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Mend Turn Start Car

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How to mend ... Turn Start Car

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Mend dti help advice

How can I fix my fuel prob on my 98 V.Frontera RS Sprt DTi SWB?

Hi I am looking for any help or advice if possible for my confusing and possibly v, pricey problem I am having... [Read more]
Mend car problem 1998

how can i fix the immobilieser on my ford galaxy ghia?

the immobiliser in my car wont turn off which means the car wont start how do i fix this problem 1998 model fo... [Read more]
Mend car will not start

My car will not start?

I have a 2001 Fiat Punto 1.1. The car has been parked on the drive for 10 months. I have charged the battery o... [Read more]
Mend r mind its

Citroen Xantia 1.9TD 1997 R - blower with a mind of its own!?

When I first start the car the blower seems to work ok but after a minute or 2 the blower speed gradually decr... [Read more]
Mend starter reg start

How can i remove my starter motor off my fiesta 1.25??

I have a P reg ford fiesta 1.25 zetec. Of which i went to start her up today but she didn't start! and there w... [Read more]
Mend anyone give me some please

can anyone give me some posotive information please?

the handbrake on my 2002, rover25,1400 needs adjusting it has done about 41,000miles. i am usually a d.i.y. ma... [Read more]
Mend help 1995 vauxhall

Help 1995 Vauxhall corsa ignition broken?

i bought myself a 1995 Vauxhall corsa merit the other day i put the key in the ignition and turned and my igni... [Read more]
Mend renault scenic wont

My 2006 Renault Grand Scenic wont start ????

I have bought a 2006 Grand Scenic auto with very light n/s/f damage. The drivers air bag had not deployed but ... [Read more]
Mend lights turn changed

1997 ford escort wont start?

i have a 1997 ford escort that wont start i get all the lights on the bashboard come on but when you turn the ... [Read more]
Mend problem start battery

how can i fix my Rover 216 copue?

my Rover 216 has a problem with what i think is the immobiliser. The car will not start, replaced battery in t... [Read more]
Mend car turns over not start

car turns over but does not start,?

I have diesel car, it was idling for 10 mins then cut out, will turn over now but not start. I suspect fuel pu... [Read more]
Mend car short period

car smokes?

how do I fix a car that has been smoking. It is worse when I first start the car. After it warms up the smokin... [Read more]
Mend ford galaxy petrol

how do you turn off the immobiliser in a ford galaxy ghia 2 liter petrol?

Hi I am trading my galaxy in this week, but i went to the garage to get fuel and tried to start it up but noth... [Read more]
Mend started idle going

how do i get my s reg escort lx started?

my car has been idle for about 2 and half months,to get it going i have to bump start it but as soon as i turn... [Read more]
Mend reg corsa engine problem

P reg Corsa 1.5TD Engine Not Firing?

hi, i have purchased a corsa and i was aware that the car had the problem but i thought i may be able to solve... [Read more]
Mend fiesta keys car

how can I override the immobiliser on my Ford Fiesta 1.8d?

I have lost my keys to the car but it cost a fortune to go to the main dealer.( The car is not worth very much... [Read more]
Mend corsa start turn

Vauxhall Corsa Breeze 997cc will sometimes not start?

Sometimes when I turn the ignition the car ticks over but will not start, and when this happens I have to wait... [Read more]
Mend anti pollution fault

anti pollution fault engine managment?

i have a peugeot 406 hdi. the engine management light comes on and its say anti pollution fault then the car a... [Read more]
Mend rover r reg over

Rover 416s 1998 R reg / over revving?

I can start the car no problem and it will idle at just under 1000 revs but as soon as i drive off or touch th... [Read more]
Mend anti management fault

engine managment anti pollution?

i have a peugeot 406 hdi. the engine management light comes on and its say anti pollution fault then the car a... [Read more]
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