Recent: How can I stop my steam iron spraying water with the steam?

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Getting Started contains a large number of questions which have been added by users. Other users help by adding answers. Anyone is free to add either questions or answers.

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The questions are organised into categories. To find help or advice you first need to go to the most appropriate category for the item you need help with. For example ... if you want to find out how to mend your dishwasher, find the Kitchen Appliances group and select Dishwashers. Click here to view the categories.

Is it really free?

Yes. It costs nothing to add your question (or answer somebody else's question.) You don't need to have an account or login either.

How do I ask a question?

The easiest way to ask a question use the Ask A Question Form. Remember to include as much detail as you can and don't forget to name the make and model of the item your question is about.

Where will the answer to my question appear?

A new page will have been created for your question. To find this page (if you haven't bookmarked it) navigate to the category you selected and look for your question. Click on your question's header in the list. The page with your question on will be shown. Any answers to your question will be shown below your question.

If you have any difficulty finding your question try searching for it. Click here to search for your question. Search by entering some of the key words you used when you wrote your question.

How can I add an answer?

At the bottom of each question page you'll find the Add An Answer Form.

How do I add a follow-up question? is not designed to allow follow-up questions. Each page is designed for a single question only. This approach prevents the page's original subject being lost within several concurrent discussions. Please ask a new question in a way which will enable other users to help you further.

How can I help answer questions?

If you like answering the questions on this website, the Unanswered Page provides a quick way to find all the unanswered questions in each category. Simply select the category you can help with and browse through the unanswered questions. (You're welcome to answer as many as you like.) Click here to see the unanswered questions.

Are there any restrictions regarding what I can add?

Your text should be either a question seeking information regarding how to mend an item, or information in the form of an answer provided to assist another user. The following will not be added ...
  • Postings which are off-topic.
  • Postings which contain inappropriate language.
  • Postings in a language other than English.

How can I contact

You can email us using the Contact Us Form.

How can I report inappropriate text?

There is a flag icon underneath the question and all answers, on each question page. Click on the flag icon and select the appropriate reason for flagging the text to us.

Where can I read the Small Print?

Click here to read our Small Print page.

Where can I read the Small Print?

Click here to read our Privacy Policy.

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