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Mend Escort Started Idle Going

how do i get my s reg escort lx started?

my car has been idle for about 2 and half months,to get it going i have to bump start it but as soon as i turn off the engine it has to be bumped again,without that when i turn ignition it just makes a loud clicking noise,i had the starter motor repaired about 4 months ago,please help

January 2008
sounds like the battery has had it as that is a sure sign of not enough voltage for the starter motor to function properly. It will make a clicking sound (loud) as the solenoid runs back and forth on the starter motor.
did you just recharge the battery after standing all that time? you can check the battery by applying 'jump' leads when you try ans start it. If it starts normally simple, renew battery. If teh new battery show sighns of same after a week or so check teh alternator and make sure oyu have no current being drawn when ignition is off. (eg a boot light left on or interior lamp etc )

February 2008
Your battery is probably naffed,have you charged it fully?the loud clicking noise is your starter trying to engage but the battery hasn't the power to turn the engine.

January 2008
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Find out how to mend Escort cars

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Find out how to mend Escort cars