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Mend Start Key Ignition

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How to mend ... Start Key Ignition

Pages 54321
Mend water unit start

Renault Clio Immobiliser Fault?

I have a Mark I clio that has had water damage to the immobiliser unit in the roof and now it will not start -... [Read more]
Mend lost key spare

I have lost my master key, what do I do?

I have lost my master key for my T reg Vauxhall Tigra 1.6, I have a spare key (have been told that it does not... [Read more]
Mend start mondeo td

How to start mondeo 1997 td?

Have just bought a mondeo td lx at the motor auction and have brought it home and cant get the key to turn in ... [Read more]
Mend 1994 key battery

ford escort coworth 1994?

my will not start after the key is turned on the car has a new battery after 8 mouths of standing the alarm go... [Read more]
Mend ford escort diesel

Ford escort diesel immobilser?

Hi i bought a 1998 diesel escort and the previous owner put the wrong key in ignition and now wont start with ... [Read more]
Mend pilot van wont

my ldv pilot van wont start?

my 2002 ldv pilot van turns over but wont start, i have used both keys black and red, there is no chip in the ... [Read more]
Mend turn vauxhall fine

I cannot turn off alarm,and immobiliser on my 1996 vauxhallfrontera sport?

I have a 1996 Vauxhall Sport S Apache which has been fine until the other day, after opening the door and putt... [Read more]
Mend gilera dna 125

Gilera DNA 125 will not start?

Hi, I'm having problems with my DNA125. It will not start from the start switch. I can however get th... [Read more]
Mend key allows engine

How can I disable my ignition lock?

How can I disable my ignition lock? AS I can enter the key into the ignition lock it only allows me to turn it... [Read more]
Mend bought problem days

how to sort my 1995 m reg renault laguna immoboliser out?

i have just bought a 250quid renault laguna, problem is after 2 days of using it i pulled up outside my house ... [Read more]
Mend start turn battery flat

My peugeot 206 won't start?

Turn the key in the ignition and it just clicks but won't start is the battery flat and what do I do to fix it... [Read more]
Mend starter start ignition

Zafira Starter Relay disgram?

My Vauxhall Zafira has been failing to start. History:During summer ignition switch was sticking on which r... [Read more]
Mend key ignition fault

how do i hot wire my peugeot speedfighter 2?

bike will not start on key is there a way to hot wire it to see if the ignition barrel is at fault
Mend code key car

How to code a peugeot 206 key to lock/unlock/alarm ignition?

hi there im trying to get a spare key for my car just incase i lose the first i have the same fob from a diffe... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

How can I fix my Citroen Saxo Coded Engine Immobiliser acting intermitenly?

My Citroen Saxo 1.1 petrol 1998 has had a starting problem lately... On some occasions when I turn the Ignitio... [Read more]
Mend 50 start bike

My piaggio 50 won't start?

The bike has been standing for some time, did have a spark but doesn't now. I have connected the car battery a... [Read more]
Mend start lost key cut


My son lost the key to his vectra and cut the ignition wires to start it. (including the key reader!). He has... [Read more]
Mend 2001 not start

My peugeot speedfight 1- 2001 Will not start?

with the ignition key turned fully the immobilizer light goes off then comes back on, the bike will not start ... [Read more]
Mend pug 20 hdi

pug 406 2.0 hdi 1999?

was intermitantly not starting. now wont start atall when puting ignition on you now no longer hear the electr... [Read more]
Mend start keys immobiliser

how can i start my vauxhall cavilier?

i,ve lost my keys and immobiliser key fob. is there any way round it.I can turn ignition on but can not get im... [Read more]
Pages 54321

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