The bike has been standing for some time, did have a spark but doesn't now. I have connected the car battery and it is turining over fine. I checked the back brake light bulb as someone said this was in the ignition circuit. That's OK. The key was broken off in the lock but I think I have bypassed this. I have read about kill switches and things but I don't seem to have one. I have fitted a new coil but still no spark. Any suggestions please?
my piaggio liberty 50cc 2005, wont start, battery is full.
can please tell me what it might be as i was riding fine and i park up for 10mins and came back and it wont start
January 2014
what model is it exactly i.e zip/typhoon/liberty/nrg/free/sfera/velofax/ ??any of these?
adam bike doctor
October 2006
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