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Mend Hoover Washing Machines

Household Appliances, Washing Machines find out how to mend just about anything.

Mend Hoover

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We have 2364 questions about mending 'hoover' in category Household Appliances, Washing Machines

How to mend ... Hoover

Pages 87654
Mend washer dryer water spin

how can i fix my hoover wdm 1200?

my hoover washer dryer is no longer draining water. and if it does not drain, it won't spin. so, everytime the... [Read more]
Mend 1300 washing machine

How can I fix my Hoover 1300 washing machine?

I want to change bearings and seal .how?
Mend hoover washing machine


Mend leaking washer size

How can i fix my dishwashHoover Crystaljet?

My D821 Hoover Crystaljet has a new pump but is now leaking due to a missing washer. Where & what size washer... [Read more]
Mend flashing help mid

Hoover 1200 New wave - All Lights Flashing !!!!!?

Hi there - hope you guys can help ! I have a 1200 new wave, when mid cycle, all functions stop and all LED'... [Read more]
Mend replace door replacing

how do I replace the hinge on a Hoover Whisper AAA160?

The hinge snapped when the door was lent on (don't ask). How do I go about replacing it? Step by step for a te... [Read more]
Mend hoover wdm 130

Hoover WDM 130 overfilling?

The machine is overfilling and splilling out of the overflow. I have cleaned the pressure bottle and checked t... [Read more]
Mend wont stop filling

Hoover won't stop filling ?

Make: Hoover Model: 2300L 6.5kg Hi, My washer will not stop filling. The machine will stop filling when... [Read more]
Mend machine turn spin

How can I Clean Hoover Performa Washing Machine Filter?

My hoover performa eco 1200 won't turn or spin - an earlier question on the topic said to "clean the filter" -... [Read more]
Mend machine years stopped

Hoover CA232 won't pump out, triac blown + other parts???

Hoover CA232 won't pump out, triac blown + other parts??? I have had this machine some 2-3 years, and it st... [Read more]
Mend seal hoover help

Drum seal to door hoover new wave 1200F?

can any one help me replace the drum to door opening seal on this washer? if so what is the best way to go abo... [Read more]
Mend hoover new wave

Door Seal Replacing on Hoover New Wave 1200F?

can anyone give me an idea as how to replace the rubber door seal on this washer
Mend hoover wont spin cycle

my hoover logic 1200 A3630 still wont spin on the fast cycle!?

Hi all again, My above mentioned hoover washer still won't fast spin eventhough I've fitted brand new motor b... [Read more]
Mend stop hoover washing machine

How can I stop my hoover commodore washing machine from overfilling?

My machine will flood if on full load setting (but not on medium or small). Is there a switch/sensor that we c... [Read more]
Mend 1200 help fine

My Hoover Logic 1200 wont fast spin? Can you help!?

Hi there, My Hoover Logic 1200 works fine untill the fast spin cycle comes around, then it just stops dead. T... [Read more]
Mend heat changed red

my hoover washer/dryer will not heat up on drying hoover 1100?

dryer will not heat up changed thermostat red spot still not working help
Mend hoover tv 630 tumble dryer


The filter care light is on continuously and the dryer is blowing cold air. Is this a thermostat or filter p... [Read more]
Mend machine 1200 spinning

Have the bearings gone on my machine?

I have a Hoover Six 1200 washer drier which makes a loud noise when spinning, is this the bearings? If so coul... [Read more]
Mend dryer stopped working washer dryer

my dryer has stopped working on my washer dryer?

The dryer on my Hoover WDM 130 1300 washer/dryer has stopped working
Mend spin empty full

Hoover HW6316m blowing fuses when starts to spin?

When it starts to spin, empty or full, it blows the fuse in the plug. No noises or anything strange just the p... [Read more]
Pages 87654

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