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Mend Windows 7

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Mend set explorer windows

Can I set Internet Explorer to not allow Pop-ups?

How can I configure Internet Explorer so that it won't Pop-up with all the extra windows and advertising? I f... [Read more]
Mend windows xp pc

Windows XP started freezing after Windows Updates installed. What can I do?

I have just installed a batch of Windows Updates. They have caused a problem and my PC is freezing up. This wi... [Read more]
Mend second system faster

How can I make my Windows 98 (second edition) system work faster?

My computer has gradually slowed down as more things have been added to the hard-drive and then been deleted. ... [Read more]
Mend windows not internet explorer

Why will some new windows not open in Internet Explorer?

When I click on a link on a web-page that opens a new page, some pages will not open. They open for about 3 s... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Desktop PCs

System Informaton not displaying?

I'm scratching my head on this one. I go to Start/ALL programs/accessories/system information and get a mes... [Read more]
Mend windows window small

How can I reset the Accessability Options?

I played with the Accessability Options in Windows XP and now window captions have small Minimise, Maximise an... [Read more]
Mend firewall windows xp

How can I use the firewall which comes with Windows XP?

I know that Windows XP has a firewall built in. How can I use this?
Mend being 5 minutes

What causes a computer to freeze after only being on for about 5 minutes?

I have a Tiny computer on Windows M.E.and find that it freezes nearly every time I swith it on after about 5 m... [Read more]
Mend windows 98 upgraded window

Can Windows 98 be upgraded to Window 2000?

Can Windows 98 be upgraded to Window 2000? I want to upgrade without loosing by other software, data and confi... [Read more]
Mend tiny scanner computer

How do I add my Tiny Scanner to a new System?

I purchased a Tiny computer in October 00. complete with the unstable version of Windows Me. I am now getting... [Read more]
Mend installed windows xp pc

How can I check the drivers installed on a Windows XP PC?

How can I check which drivers I am using? I use Windows XP.
Mend D.I.Y, Windows and Doors

How can I fix the Screw Eyes to PVC window frames?

I have Net Curtains on some of my windows. Since they have been replaced with PVC window frames I have found i... [Read more]
Mend pc fine internet

Suddenly my browsing has become very erratic and jerky. What is wrong?

My PC has been running fine until very recently when I noticed that while browsing the internet my PC becomes ... [Read more]
Mend repair windows files

How can I fix or repair Windows XP?

I have accidentally damaged Windows XP. I think I have deleted some essential files and XP is not working prop... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Desktop PCs

where can i find a driver for my scanner serial no. FU 318D(tiny p.c.)?

I am having no luck reinstalling my scanner on my p.c. since changing to windows millennium
Mend install office 2000

Can't install MS Office 2000?

After trying to tweak my lap top so it would run smother and faster I some problems. I reinstalled the softwar... [Read more]
Mend stop pop ads

How can I stop Pop Up Ads without paying?

I keep getting pop ups from apparently a Messenger Service that tell me if I pay x amount of dollars I can sto... [Read more]
Mend always safe recommend

Is it always safe to install the Windows Updates which Microsoft recommend?

I'm nervous about continually installing all the secuity patches which Microsoft recommend. Can these cause pr... [Read more]
Mend set time setting

How can I set Num Lock to be on for Windows 2000 login screen?

Every time I login to Windows 2000 I make a mistake because the Num Lock is not on. I would like to know if th... [Read more]
Mend change windows xp

How can I change the product key on an installation of Windows XP?

I've heard that you can change the product key of Windows XP without reinstalling windows. Anyone know how?
Pages 54321

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