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Mend Windows 7

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How to mend ... Windows 7

Pages 76543
Mend vauxhall cavalier think

Vauxhall Cavalier 1994 I think?

The heater matrix is leeking very slowly but it couses the windows to steam up, can I fix without taking it ou... [Read more]
Mend computer takes long

The My Computer Icon takes a long time to launch?

When i click on the my computer icon from either the desk top, run command via browse or in windows explorer i... [Read more]
Mend port windows computer

Where is the infrared port?

Where is the infrared port on my Windows Millenium computer? I dont have a clue where it could be!
Mend door handle moves

How can I fix my UPVc door which won't open?

My UPVc back door is stuck closed and will not open. Handle moves freely, key turns in lock OK but door just ... [Read more]
Mend rid system windows

rids worms?

how can i rid lovesan.a worm from system volume information on windows xp
Mend pc windows save

PC rebooting itself at shutdown?

What is wrong with my pc? When I shutdown windows, it does not "save setting" as it should but blacks out and... [Read more]
Mend windows connection internet

i have windows ME and DSL connection, how come it freezes everytime I am us?

I have windows ME with DSL connection, how come it freezes everytime I am using the internet?
Mend Computers, Desktop PCs

my windows midia player stopped working.when i click on icon nothing happen?

my media player stopped working.nothing happens when i click on can i get it to work again?i think it... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Computer Hardware

How do I configure my Binatone ADSL500 modem?

My old PC got hit by lightning last week, so I had to go out and buy a brand new PC and Modem. The new PC h... [Read more]
Mend download windows xp

Where can I download Windows XP SP2?

I've seen lots of bits and pieces in the media about Windows XP SP2. I understand that this is a major bundle... [Read more]
Mend blue screen death

When I burn CDs I get a Blue Screen of Death. Stop 0x0000000A?

When I try to burn a CD my PC crashes and Blue Screens! This is the only time I ever have these sorts of prob... [Read more]
Mend find out pc

How can I find out the Product Key used to install Windows XP on my PC?

I have lost my original Windows XP Installation CD. A friend has lent me his CD, but I would like to know if I... [Read more]
Mend packard bell pb

Packard Bell running far to slow?

My PB IEXTREME MC 6112 is running to slow ,I have tried putting an extra 512Mb of RAM which makes it 1Gb and i... [Read more]
Mend computer group appreciate

computer won't go to website?

i was able to go to a certain website this morning as i always do it's a support group one but when i got on t... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Desktop PCs

What does IFIADH32.EXE mean?

I keep getting an error message saying: Ifiadh32.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry... [Read more]
Mend machine running left

How do I auto login one account on a Windows XP machine?

I have a server application running on my Windows XP machine which is left on, so my server is always on. So f... [Read more]
Mend computer disk xp


Mend blue screen death

how do i fix the blue screen of death?

my computer boots up but as its doing its regualar startup it goes to the blue screen of death. it wont let me... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Virus Removal

How do I remove - TrojanClicker.Win32?

The following trojan - C:\_Restore\TEMP\OPNSTE.0 Infection: refuses to be fully rem... [Read more]
Mend longer windows security

missing task manager?

Suddenly task manager is "greyed out" and no longer available from windows security screen. I can locate the f... [Read more]
Pages 76543

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