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Mend Vectra

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We have 2753 questions about mending 'vectra'

How to mend ... Vectra

Mend Vehicles, Cars

vaux vectra 2.2 2001 warning light ( 0 ) wot is it?

above warning light comes on just under the clock intermitantly ....cant find my manual to know what it means ... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

if cam belt breaks on vauhall vectra will other damage occur?

cam belt snapped on vauhall vectra 1998 2 ltr ,eco engine,will other damage occur . valves and cylinder head,?... [Read more]
Mend emissions air engine

Oil burning emissions?

What would cause oil burning emissions to come through the air vents when engine is warmed up? 1997 Vauxhall V... [Read more]
Mend battery light 2002

Battery light comes on/speed'metr drops to zero on vectra 1.8 (2002 petrol)?

The battery light comes on in my Vauxhall Vectra 1.8 petrol 2002 after it is driven for over 5 minutes. In add... [Read more]
Mend vauxhall vectra 20

1999 vauxhall vectra 2.0 di?

engine will not start fault code 1630 egr valve malfuntion no engine management light not on. engine stared an... [Read more]
Mend petrol pump pumps

petrol pump problem on my vetra?

i have had 3 petrol pumps on my 1996 vectra 2.0l in 3 weeks.idont know wether there is no power getting to the... [Read more]
Mend car bought turn

i have phillips car 400?

i have just bought a 98 vectra and when i turn power on it comes up with safe i do not know the code for it an... [Read more]
Mend vauxhall vectra light

vauxhall vectra 51,reg,tripple info warning light?

can anyone help me,i have a fault light under my radio dash,its orange,round,with markings round it like the h... [Read more]
Mend set timing car

how do i set the timing on my car?

i have just put a new inlet camshaft in my vauxhall vectra 2.2 sri 150 and i need to set the timing how do i l... [Read more]
Mend vectra stall vauxhall

why does my vauhall vectra automatis stall?

i have an automatic vauxhall vectra and occaisionaly is stalls normally just before i move off and once as i s... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

do i have an F13 or F18 gearbox?

My clutch has gone on a vauxhall vectra premier 1.6 reg no. p291tdf, and i was told i needed to find out what ... [Read more]
Mend clutch pedal soft

how to fix clutch vectra 1998 dti?

how do you know what has gone wrong with clutch . loud bang heard pedal gone soft cant select gears 1998 S reg... [Read more]
Mend sort vauxhall vectra

How do I sort A hydraulic clutch for Vauxhall Vectra CD 1999 model?

My cluch packed in how do I sort it the car gave a jolt like someone bumped into the back of me then the clutc... [Read more]
Mend vauxhall vectra engine

how can i mend my 1998 vauxhall vectra?

i bought a 98 vauxhall vectra 1.8 16v but at the moment the engine managment light stays on and wont idle, it ... [Read more]
Mend clutch loose better

vectra clutch?

my clutch is loose and near the floor only just get in to gear i drive it for 10 mins and the clutch goes up a... [Read more]
Mend start tick rev

ihow can i fix my vectra diesel?

i have to tow my vectra deisel to start it and then it will only tick over it will not rev up wot is wrong
Mend vauhall vectra going

vauhall vectra?

my windows keep going down on there own on a vauxhall vectra 04 reg
Mend Vehicles, Cars

i hav a 96 1.8 ecotech engine in my vectra and it has a dead spot?

wen i pull off and go through the gears and exelerate to about 3000 revs acasionaly the engine seems to hav no... [Read more]
Mend vauxhall vectra diesel

HOw do I change camshaft sensor ona Vauxhall Vectra 51plate DIESEL?

How do I change the cam shaft sensor ona vectra diesel engine not Petrol but diesel, is it the same
Mend orange engine dashboard

What is wrong with my vectra 1.8. 1997?

Sometimes it starts, sometimes it doesnt, the orange engine symbol comes on the dashboard! When im driving, it... [Read more]

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