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Mend Paragon Plus System

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We have 28 questions about mending 'paragon plus system'

How to mend ... Paragon Plus System

Pages 21
Mend house light fault

how can i fix my alarm system?

After a fuse blew in the house the alarm a Paragon plus is now showing a red light next to fault, the last tim... [Read more]
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems

Where can I get a key for the personal attack switch? Paragon Plus?

The alarm system will not re-set due to the PA/Tamper switch needing re-setting, but the key has gone missing.... [Read more]
Mend alarm set exit

how can I fix my paragon plus alarm system?

when alarm is set the exit tone still continues when normally it goes off after a certain length of time?
Mend paragon alarm system

How can I operate my Paragon Plus Alarm system?

My mother-in-law died recently & I have no idea how to operate or re-set the Paragon-Plus alarm system.There a... [Read more]
Mend smoke going off

smoke alarms keep going off?

paragon plus system wired into smoke alarms.burglar alarm not going off but smoke alarms gone off twice today.... [Read more]
Mend alarm system operating

How can ifix my paragon plus or paragon super burgular alarm system?

how can i check out a paragon plus or a paragon super burglar alarm system which is not operating?
Mend alarm system house

how can i stop my paragon plus from going off when it is activated?

i have a paragon plus alarm system which was fitted in my house in 1995, over the last few weeks it keeps goin... [Read more]
Mend alarm disconnect system

how do i go about disconnecting my paragon plus alarm?

i want to disconnect my alarm as its faulty goes off whenever it pleases its a paragon plus system
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems

Paragon Plus tamper reset/ flashing pannel lights?

Hi; I had flooring put on, and in the process the alarm got activated, connections are in place with the door... [Read more]
Mend setting alarm fitted

Setting alarm?

I have a Paragon Plus alarm system. It is fitted and has been working correctly for afew years. Resently I a... [Read more]
Mend turn alarm sounds light

How can I turn off the chime when alarm is off and the chime still sounds ?

How can I turn off the chime that is sounding when I move in front of the sensor. The light has come on next ... [Read more]
Mend paragon alarm system

paragon rkp ?

how do i reset my paragon rkp home alarm system
Mend system house instructions

Help for a Paragon E Alam System?

I have a Paragon E alam system in the house I have just in, but doesn't have any instructions with it, can you... [Read more]
Mend alarm started changed

My paragon plus alarm keeps going off, how can I remedy this?

My paragon plus alarm has started to activate itself. I have changed the batteries in both boxes but it still... [Read more]
Mend paragon plus alarm

How can I disable the Personal Attack button on my Paragon Plus alarm ?

My Paragon Plus alarm system which was installed by a previous owner has a remote Personal Attack button mount... [Read more]
Mend code house instruction


I have just moved into a house with a Paragon E alarm system. I have no instruction Manual but I especially ne... [Read more]
Mend alarm system manual

programming paragon plus alarm system?

i have an old paragon plus alarm system and there isn't a manual on how to program it, any ideas
Mend alarm system control

Paragon Plus Alarm System?

When we have a power cut i cannot turn the alarm off at either control panels , the master panel is located up... [Read more]
Mend alarm system code

how to reset my paragon plus alarm system?

I have the instructions manual but don't know how to facory reset my alarm. At present i don't have the codes ... [Read more]
Mend moved house system codes

Can I simply cut off the Paragon E panel?

I have moved into a house with a Paragon E alarm system, however I have no codes for this or manuals. Can I si... [Read more]
Pages 21

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