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Mend Engine Running

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How to mend ... Engine Running

Pages 54321
Mend vectra car cuts

Vectra 18 16v 1995, My engine keeps cutting out when i stop to give way?

The engine keeps cutting when i have been running the car for more then 2 hours or so. When i stop to give way... [Read more]
Mend lx starter motor

1993 Escort 1.6i LX: Do I need to replace starter motor or spar kplugs?

Hi, My escort has been stood for a few months without the enging being turned over. I charged the battery f... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

Cooling system mystery?

I have a 1992 GMC 3/4 ton Sierra Pick-up 4WD. I have a nasty coolant leak at the rear of the engine. The pro... [Read more]
Mend diesel engine turns

Talbot Express diesel won't start after standing for a time?

After standing for about 10 hours engine will not start, turns over and smoke comes out of exhaust but will no... [Read more]
Mend engine spark ford

engine check light came on after changing spark plugs?

After changing spark plugs on 1999 ford excort zx2 the car run rough and the check engine light came on it sou... [Read more]
Mend engine running stops

How can I fix my heater VW Golf G Reg?

When the engine reaches running temperature the heater stops working. The Haynes manual is as usual worse than... [Read more]
Mend problem working temp

What could be causing the problem in my Ford Sierra?

The heating stopped working and then the temp started to misb ehave. The engine overheated and it kept stalli... [Read more]
Mend nissan light problem

nissan micra 1986 battery charge light?

problem battery charge light remaining on when ignition switched off(even when key removed) This causes batte... [Read more]
Mend fitted peugeot 406

Radio cassette shuts off after an hour??

The phillips radio cassette 4050 fitted to my 1997 peugeot 406 keeps turning itself off after an hour, even wh... [Read more]
Mend peugeot time running

how can i fix my Peugeot 205 DT?

I have a K reg 205 DT that normally starts first time every time. However, if the car has been running and is ... [Read more]
Mend engine warning light

engine warning light?

when the engine is running the engine warning light stays on. why is this?
Mend briggs 5hp mower

Briggs 5hp Quantum self propelled shaft not turning?

I have an old Yazoo 22 S22MB1 mower. Something popped while I was engaging the drive lever and the self prope... [Read more]
Mend runs rough mower

7hp B&S runs rough then stalls?

My Sears 7HP self-propelled mower with 7hp B&S has run about 20 hours total. When I first got it new it ran a ... [Read more]
Mend pull mower briggs

pull cord pulls back violently when trying to start mower?

When trying to start my briggs and stratton engine the pull cord pulls back violently have been able to start ... [Read more]
Mend engine running fiesta

how can i repair engine running too high?

ford fiesta 1996 encore. engine revs far too high even when i am not pushing the accelerator please advise on ... [Read more]
Mend fiesta engine running

Fiesta 1993 LX - Poor Engine Running?

When starting the engine runs erratically, sometimes stalling and sometimes 'ticking over' between 2500 and 30... [Read more]
Mend engine running too

Lawnmower engine running too fast?

My self propelled Mountfield petrol lawnmower is running too fast and loud The side cable control has no effe... [Read more]
Mend running lawn engine

My mower is running badly?

My Mountfield petrol lawn mower is running really badly. The engine seems to be surging then almost dying.... [Read more]
Mend ford fiesta airbag

Ford Fiesta airbag light?

Hi can anyone advise why my Fiesta 1.3 Encore 96 N reg airbag light keeps flashing every 10 secs or so, even w... [Read more]
Mend spark plug petrol

what makes the spark plug sooty in my flymo petrol mower?

the spark plug in my flymo petrol mower is very sooty and the engine revs rise and fall whilst it is running.
Pages 54321

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