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Mend Bought House System

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How to mend ... Bought House System

Pages 4321
Mend combi boiler ch ok hw

Combi Boiler CH ok but no HW?

I have an old oil-fired Firebird C20 70K combi boiler, that provides CH and DHW to my house which has a single... [Read more]
Mend leak boiler pump

Leak on ferroli boiler from pump air vent?

I have just bought a repossesed house with the ferroli boiler, which was fully drained including the radiators... [Read more]
Mend system reset house

Ideal alarm system?

is there a generic alarm reset code for ideal alarm system without/forgotten alarm code. just bought a house w... [Read more]
Mend change code bought

Can't change code on Veritas system?

Evening all Just bought a new house and inherited a veritas system. Want to change the code so followed int... [Read more]
Mend maxx wfl machine

Bosch MAXX 1200 WFL 2400 not doing anything!?

Hi, we've bought our 2008-modelled washing machine second-hand last year and this week it has stopped function... [Read more]
Mend pilot light apollo

pilot light won't stay lit on thorn apollo?

I have a thorn apollo boiler( can't find a model number anywhere on it). I guesstimate it to be about 20-25 ye... [Read more]
Mend boiler year heat

How do i fix my boiler (Vaillent)?

I Have just bought a house that was a reposesion the boiler has been off for about a year (Poss more) the boil... [Read more]
Mend system house fitted

How Can I Fix a Gardtec 360/580 Alarm System?

I have recently moved into a new house which has an alarm fitted. The previous owner left me a manual for a Ga... [Read more]
Mend find house alarm

How can I find my code?

I recently bought a new house and the previous owner did not give me the code for the alarm system. It was mon... [Read more]
Mend home alarm system

home alarm system?

I bought this house vacant pocession with a chubb 6000 unit installed the alarm went off. I disconnected the b... [Read more]
Mend 9448 alarm scantronic

how can i fix my 9448+ alarm system?

I have recently bought a house with the scantronic 9448+ alarm system fitted, however the previous owner who l... [Read more]
Mend hello house central heating

Baxi Combi 80Eco no DHW?

Hello, I have recently bought a house with a relitively new central heating system. The boiler is a Baxi Co... [Read more]
Mend help bought turned

how can I reset a veritas alarm system?

Can anyone help - we've just bought a house with a veritas alarm. Prior us getting the house the power had be... [Read more]
Mend potterton flamingo 50

Potterton Flamingo 50?

Hi I have just bought a house having Potterton Flamingo 50 as a boiler. I am not quite aware of how boiler w... [Read more]
Mend veritas 8 zone alarm

Veritas 8 zone Alarm ?

Like Frank we have a veritas alarm and cannot get it to reset - in fact we just bought the house. Mains elect... [Read more]
Mend alarm system installed


I have an ACCENTA 6 alarm system installed and it has worked fine for the last 10 years. Recently, we had a... [Read more]
Mend veritas alarm fitted

Veritas 8c?

Hi, My friends recently bought a house which was a repossesion and there is a Veritas 8c alarm fitted which t... [Read more]
Mend accenta system set

can i add a PIR detector to my accenta 8 mini alarm system?

Hi there, i have an accenta 8 mini alarm system installed, and i have just figured out how to set it etc. howe... [Read more]
Mend alarm bought time

How can I uninstall Optima XM6 Home Alarm?

I have bought a house with an installed Optima XM6 Home Alarm. Every time there is a power cut, the alarm come... [Read more]
Mend alarm work install

Removing our faulty burglar alarm?

We recently bought a house which has a burglar alarm which doesn't work fully. We want to dismantle it and in... [Read more]
Pages 4321

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