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Mend Guitars

Musical Instruments, Guitars
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Mend > Guitars

Pages 109876
Mend electric working battery

How to fix an onboard tuner?

i have an ibanez acoustic electric guitar with an on board tuner. recently it stopped working. is there batter... [Read more]
Mend fender guitar amp

How can i fix my guitar/amp?

I have had a marshall head with one fender cab unit for about a year now and sometimes when i plug the guitar ... [Read more]
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

how can i fix the hum in my sx bass guitar pickup?

three is a hum in the pick ups all the time unless u put your hand over the strings it stops what can be done ... [Read more]
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

when i turn up the volume the sound either cuts out or a cracking sound hap?

when i turn up the volume on either the main or the gain ports, the sound either cuts out or a cracking sound ... [Read more]
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

my jack lead just falls out of my electric guitar?

my jack lead just falls out of my electric guitar? what might the problem be?
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

fender squir problem?

so where the whammy there is a 1 inch gap its where if you use the whammy it rises you know and it seems to ma... [Read more]
Mend remove cover wire

how can i fix my fender stratocaster?

when you remove the cover on the back of the guitar there is a black wire that is diconnected from a metal spr... [Read more]
Mend remove cover black

how can i fix my fender stratocaster?

when you remove the cover on the back of the guitar there is a black wire that is diconnected from a metal spr... [Read more]
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

How can I fix my amp??

Hi. I have a mid 70s Vox Escort Bass50 amp. The problem is when I turn the volume up more than about 30% I get... [Read more]
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

How can I fix my Fender Stratocaster?

Hi, I recently tried to build my own Fender Strat and have put everything together but when I finally strung i... [Read more]
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

bass amp?

I have a galenkruger bass head. It keeps blowing fuses.what could be the problem?
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

how can i fix my amp?

I have a Marshall valve VS30R. it only operates in on the clean channel, i have a reasonable knowledge of elec... [Read more]
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

How Can I Fix My Aplifier?

Hey, I own a Marshall 250dfx, and having some trouble with volume! I have looked all over the web to no avail ... [Read more]
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

Unwanted Distortion?

Hi. I have a mid 70s Vox Escort Bass50 amp. The problem is when I turn the volume up more than about 30% I get... [Read more]
Mend wiring diagram disconnected

Firstact bass ME-106 - wiring diagram?

I have a FirstAct bass model ME106 with several wires disconnected from the volume/tone knobs. The volume knob... [Read more]
Mend guitar plug amp

guitar input plug is broken on my fender frontman 15R AMP?

Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

refretting a stratocaster?

i have got a squier strat and some of the frets are worn down how easy it to refret with new fret wire could i... [Read more]
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

guitar problem?

i had fender noiseless pickups put in my strat a few years ago and now its seems when i plug it in to the amp ... [Read more]
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

Can an electronic guitar tuner... ?

Can an electronic guitar tuner be used to tune an acoustic guitar, and if so - how?
Mend Musical Instruments, Guitars

the bridge on my guitar is lifting how do i fix it?

how do i fix the bridge on my acustic guitar, it is lifting
Pages 109876


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