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Mend Creative Mp3 Work Battery


I dropped my mp3 player and the battery cover is loose. but it still comes on, but is froze on the CREATIVE logo. when I pressed down on the battery cover and put rubberbands on to hold it down the regular screen menu & all came up. now when the menu came up, i think i deleted something, not sure. after that is when it froze on the logo. Even when i put in on the wall charger all night it still stayed froze on the logo. the blue light will fade in and ou as well. what should i do. since it comes on but won't do anything????? the mp3 player is a CREATIVE zen microphoto mp3 player.

Denise Williamson
April 2007
I had a problem and it turned out to be a dead drive, I replaced it with a compact flash card wich is better...
it uses less power, works faster, and will hold up better to drops.

Do a search on google for microphoto drive replacement and you can find step by step instructions with pictures on how to take it apart and even different size & brand compact flash cards that people have used. I went with sandisk extreme III & it transfers files WAY faster!

January 2009
mine is stuck in recovery mode. how the hell do u get out of it?

October 2008
my dam thing wont work, iv done what u said but i did it before, but i cicked remove frame thang now when i try installing it bk on, the pc does not reconise that its plugged in. iv tryed othe usb but nope nope nope................................
April 2008
Thank's for the hint. The reset was ok ;-)

August 2007
I have a zen microphoto which comes up hardware problem on the lcd screen. I have downloaded the firmware, but my computer does not pick up that the device is attached. I try conatcting creative, but they have not responded for over the past 72 hours. Can you please help me bcause I am this close to throwingit in th etrash and call it a day.

July 2007
use this dude's advice. his name is axl from Yahoo! answers:

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

yes!, the software is in your player. it's a recovery mode that helps you rezolve problems that occur to hard drive players. if you have a microphoto, then follow these steps:

1. Make sure that the battery is charged. ( if not, buy a new one or borrow one, because you can't charge it with this problem)
2. Detach the ZEN Micro or MicroPhoto from the PC, and ensure that it is turned off.
3. Remove the battery.
4. Move and hold the Power button to the Power On position and re-insert the battery to the ZEN Micro or MicroPhoto. Hold the Power button until the Recovery Mode appears.

The following options will be displayed:

Clean Up - Scans the player and removes invalid links from its music library.
Does not affect music files themselves.
Format (All) - Caution! Erases all content!
Reload OS/ Firmware - Caution! Erases your player's firmware.
DO NOT select the Reload Firmware option unless you have access to a PC and you have downloaded the necessary firmware to install. (i had the same problem and i choosed this, and after i reinstalled the firmware from the pc, i downloaded it from creative's site)
Reboot - Reboots the device.


May 2007
I'll be really curious to hear the answer to this myself, Denise. The same thing happened to me, except now it's dead-black. Won't boot up, won't light up even when plugged in. I'd like to think the innovative riggers on this site can come through for us.

How about it, guys?

May 2007
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