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Mend Vectra

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We have 2753 questions about mending 'vectra'

How to mend ... Vectra

Mend Vehicles, Cars

How can i cancel intruder alarm?

when i switch on ignition intruder alarm appears on screen its a 52 vectra 2.2dti am having to cancel every ti... [Read more]
Mend reverse lights not working

reverse lights not working ?

reverse lights not working tryed new bulbs got power 12v still no lights checked bulbs in rear light holder bu... [Read more]
Mend vectra speed revs

acclaturation labouring?

Hin there please could you advise, my vauhall vectra 1.9cdti has just in the last week gone on a labouring spe... [Read more]
Mend change vectra vauxhall

how to change gearbox oil on vectra 2004?

how do i change gearbox oil on my vauxhall vectra 2004
Mend electronic control module

Vectra 20dti electronic control module?

I have a vectra 2.0 dti 1999 on the scanner that I borowed the fault codes were 1650 1651 1631 they all poin... [Read more]
Mend electric window drivers side

electric window drivers side?

my electric window has stopped working vauxhall vectra sri cdti 150 1910 2006 any help please
Mend heater vauxhall vectra

heater blow problem in Vauxhall Vectra?

I have a 2002 diesel Vauxhall Vectra (new shape). When I start the car the interior heater blower comes on but... [Read more]
Mend engine light 2002

engine management light coming on?

I own a 2002 vauxhall vectra 2.0dti.Engine light comes on when the car is idleing resulting in reduced power f... [Read more]
Mend vauxhall vectra petrol

throttle ?

can anyone tell me where the throttle housing is on my vauxhall vectra 1.8 petrol 53reg
Mend help reg high revs

loss in power?

Hi can u help me please i have a vauxhal vectra 2.0dti 04 reg at high revs, over 3000 the engine management l... [Read more]
Mend sounds going out

my vauxhall vectra sounds like it is going to cut out?

my vauxhall vectra sounds like it is going to cut out when i start it up. it runs fine when i am driving but w... [Read more]
Mend reverse gear replace

can,t reverse my vauxall vectra?

can,t reverse my vauxall vectra, do i need a new gear box or could it be something else, with pressent finance... [Read more]
Mend find warning light

my vectra looses power ?

my vectra looses power when driving its beenon a dionostics but can not find any probs// warning light is acar... [Read more]
Mend fuel vectra model

how to loosen the fuel filter on a vauxhall vectra sri 1.9 cdti 2005 model?

can anyone help the fuel filter on my vectra don.t seem to want to move. am i turning it the right way when i... [Read more]
Mend help fuel vectra

how to l;oosen the few filter top ?

can anyone help the fuel filter on my vectra sri 2005 model seem stuck am i turning it the right way when i ... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

what wires do i connect ?

what wires do i connect to work the electrics on a twin electrics towbar for a vectra b hatchback 1997 do the ... [Read more]
Mend cd changer cdx

what does er 3456 mean on my blaupunkt cd changer ?

er 3456 is displayed on the screen in my 1999 vectra cdx
Mend Vehicles, Cars

where is my code reader socket?

where is my code reader socket on a 1999 vauxall vectra 2 litre 16 valve
Mend engine start time

how to fix my vectra?

engine idles roughly if it does,nt start first time
Mend plate heater engine

52 plate vectra c heater / temp fault?

1.8 petrol vectra c, engine temp ok but no heat from heater and gauge reading wrong. i have drained system and... [Read more]

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