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Mend Switch Tested Installed

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Mend washing machine starts cycle water

How to Fix my Hoover HNL6166-80 washing machine?

Starts cycle but at first water drain it stops and delay light swhich flashes. Even on Spin only cycle, Pump d... [Read more]
Mend smeg dishwasher wont me

My Smeg dishwasher won't let me choose the program !?

Hi ! I have a smeg PLA6145X dishwasher. When I turn the machine on, it beeps, the 2 right leds (P and start/... [Read more]
Mend combi advise boiler

Baxi Combi 133 HE Plus loosing WAY to much pressure?

Hope you can lend some advise, I recently had the above boiler installed and I am only running 4 radiators at ... [Read more]
Mend combi boiler installed

Baxi Combi 133 HE Plus loosing WAY to much pressure?

Hope you can lend some advise, I recently had the above boiler installed and I am only running 4 radiators at ... [Read more]
Mend switch tested installed

Dyson D01 - power arriving at switch but no further even though switch OK?

I have a DC01 with no power past the switch. I have removed the switch and tested it in isolation - it is OK. ... [Read more]
Mend boiler central potterton

How can i fix my combi boiler/ central heating (make is Potterton Lynx)?

Hi When i switch on my boiler it starts up for a minute or so then trips the switch off in the fuse box. This ... [Read more]
Mend Garden Tools, Chainsaws

McCullogh timberbear ignition problem/question?

I recently installed a new 605 shortblock in a Mac Timberbear. I tested the spark before completing the assem... [Read more]
Mend washing spinning water

GE Washing Machine Not Agitating/Not Spinning Out Water?

I have a GE washing machine Model WPSR3120W0WW which was not spinning out water. If I cranked the timer switch... [Read more]

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