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Mend Ignition Key Switch

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We have 137 questions about mending 'ignition key switch'

How to mend ... Ignition Key Switch

Pages 76543
Mend lock turn wheel

removal of ignition switch lock cylinder?

what do i do if my key wont turn in the ignition and the steering wheel is locked. this is on a 1984 mercedes ... [Read more]
Mend citroen diesel fault

1998 Citroen Saxo 1.5 diesel immobilizer fault?

Hi all does anyone have fix for this immobilizer fault when I insert the ignition key and switch on both the r... [Read more]
Mend engine switch starts

How do I wire (basic) a 46209x9B so the engine will stop?

I have a 46209x9B that most of the wiring was gone on. I added a 3 pole ignition switch and a solenoid. I sta... [Read more]
Mend engine restarts help

diesel engine suddenly stops. always instantly restarts?

Can anyone help? My diesel car motor stops unexpectedly. Mechanics don't know why. My diesel engine power... [Read more]
Mend lights stay side

Brake lights stay on when side lights on and engine does not stop when key ?

Hi An odd problem, when my lights are switched on the brake lights are on constantly. When lights are off if... [Read more]
Mend escort diesel bought

Escort 1.8 Diesel reving off the clock?

recently bought an old ford escort lx td, replaced the thermostat because the radiator was not heating up (not... [Read more]
Mend tail lights switch

How can I fix my 1999 Honda Civic EX?

Tail lights remain on when switch is off and key is removed from ignition. At the same time that this was noti... [Read more]
Mend key ignition broken

98 corsa ?

i broke my key in ignition have replaced barrel and ignition switch i have held broken key next to none chi... [Read more]
Mend daf key switch

daf lf55 not starting?

Thanks for your reply ,we did get a new key and ignition switch for the key that had broke previously ,now th... [Read more]
Mend westwood wont start

Westwood 2012H won't start?

My Westwood 2012H cut out completely when I switched on the lights, and wouldn't start, or show any sign of li... [Read more]
Mend engine check ignition

Daf cf55 refuse lorry engine check light ?

I have a daf 02 cf55 refuse lorry ,the ignition key had broke so we dismantled the ignition switch ,we tried ... [Read more]
Mend starting start mins

ford fiesta diesel starting?

Hi,started my combi ok, tried to start again 5 mins later and nothing in START position,all lights on ok but n... [Read more]
Mend problem key click

Craftsman LT1000 electrical problem?

When I turn the ignition key I get one of the following: 1: Nothing 2: A click 3: Starter turns a few time... [Read more]
Mend wont engine turn over

Why won't the engine turn over?

I have a craftman 18.5 lawn tractor. It has a new battery, new solenoid and I had the starter checked, the guy... [Read more]
Mend switch ignition key

Headlights on 1996 Polo?

Why do ther headlights on my 1996 Polo come on when I switch the ignition on? The relay, no 18, is off unti... [Read more]
Mend ignition key switch

repair to ignition key switch?

ignition switch seized,key won't turn in ignition switch have replaced new ignition switch in my 2000 focus s... [Read more]
Mend reg ignition switch

speedfighter 2 v reg?

i have a speedfighter 2 and the ignition switch has been smashed off but the key and transponder aerial are ok... [Read more]
Mend skoda octavia problem

Interaction between central locking and electric windows - Skoda Octavia?

Here's a problem that the local VW/Skoda main dealer seems unable to solve! First of all the driver's door... [Read more]
Mend lights not coming

LDV 400 (1995) dashboard switch lights not coming on?

The steering lock was on and with key came off, and now the dashboard lights are not coming on and therefore t... [Read more]
Mend wont switch off

escort td 1.8 won't switch off?

when i switch my escort td 1.8 engine off with the key it continues to run without the key in the ignition the... [Read more]
Pages 76543

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