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Mend Help Light Problems Reg

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Mend scenic help started

Renult megane scenic won't start?

Hi, can any of u guys help me out please? My megane scenic 2006 reg will not start. This started happening whe... [Read more]
Mend ford fiesta flight

Blowning Exhaust - Sensor?

I have just purchased a Ford Fiesta Flight 1.3 3 dr on a Y reg. The engine management light has come on when ... [Read more]
Mend help light problems reg

Help oil light problems daf 8.15 ?

G reg leyland daf lorry oil light come on tonight but there is oil in wagon I checked and re checked however ... [Read more]
Mend switch vw light

Where is fuse for ESP switch?

Have a VW Golf TDi 2003 reg. Both the ESP light and ABS light on dash. Came on after cold winter spell, went o... [Read more]
Mend vectra diesel car

Vauxhall vectra diesel Electric Suddenly Stoped?

Car was runing ok, Battery light was showing up, Just put a new heavey duty battery a year ago, Whilst travell... [Read more]
Mend hope help problems

Whats happening to my car?

Hi, i hope you can help. Below i have listed the problems I've had with my car or I'm having with the car. ... [Read more]
Mend astra sri car

how can i fix my astra x reg sri 1.8 i have a flashing service light ?

hi there i have a flashing light on my car its the one with the pic of a car with a spanner going through the ... [Read more]
Mend starting problems weeks

W-Reg Punto Heater Not Working?

Hi all. I hope somebody can help me here as my little Punto is really starting to annoy me with all the pro... [Read more]
Mend vauxhall r reg

vauxhall corsia r reg?

Car worked fine yesterday, got in it today wont start, all the lights come on, turn the key and nothing. dropp... [Read more]
Mend cutting reg problem

Iveco Daily 2.3 hpi keeps cutting out?

Hi, have an Iveco Daily 35s12 2.3 hpi 05 reg, the problem I am having is it keeps cutting out and the red inje... [Read more]
Mend help easy answers

punto wont start help please?

help! Im new to the fiat punto world and im no expert with cars so please go easy on me! if anyone answers... [Read more]
Mend help working reg

how can i fix my dash problems help please?

my speedo isnt working on my renault scenic sr 16v v reg and my service light is on and air bag light on
Mend starting renault scenic

intermediate starting problem? renault scenic,1.4rt w reg?

My usually reliable scenic has sudden developed a starting problem but is very intermediate, it could start in... [Read more]
Mend punto fiat help

Punto s reg overheating and heating problems???help?

I’ve got a s reg fiat Punto and I have been trying to fix it a while can anyone help here is the list of the... [Read more]
Mend u light out 56

how to u get service light out on megane it is a 56 model?

my car is renault magane which was serviced by a friend at 12000 miles but we can not get the service light to... [Read more]
Mend saxo citroen vtr

How can i fix my immobilser on my Saxo 2001?

I have had my citroen saxo for just over a year now and am experiencing problems with my immobiliser. I have ... [Read more]
Mend potterton replaced board

How can I get my Potterton Profile 80e to ignite?

The query relates to our Potterton Profile 80e boiler. We replaced the circuit board earlier this year as we h... [Read more]
Mend con climate control

406 hdi Air con Probs?

Hi, I've had my 406 X Reg a few months now (not climate control). AC Compressor was not kicking in when fan a... [Read more]

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