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Mend Hard Disk

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We have 154 questions about mending 'hard disk'

How to mend ... Hard Disk

Pages 87654
Mend hard drive replaced

Has anyone got system files for a venturer digital audio player?

My hard drive has failed on my Venturer Digital Audio Player, I have replaced the drive and now it works as an... [Read more]
Mend thomson tv recorder

how can i fix my thomson digital tv recorder?

have a thomson dti 6021 model .it has wiped my programme library,will no longer record,and in the menu option ... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

dell lap working slowly?

hii imy dell inspiron is working very slowly.... but its not d prob of virus bcoz i hv formated and instaled t... [Read more]
Mend tv thomson library

how can i fix my thomsen digital tv recorder?

have a thomson dti 6021 stored library has wiped itself and menu now says hard disk recorder is not present so... [Read more]
Mend dti 6021 recorder

dard disk?

hi iv'e inherited a Thomson DTI 6021 top up recorder. Does the hard drive keep going even when in standby m... [Read more]
Mend free disk software

Where can I find free Disk Imaging Backup Software?

I would like to backup my hard drive by creating an image of the disk. Years ago I used PowerQuest DriveImage.... [Read more]
Mend hard space three

Hard disk space vanished?

Why does my sky plus box tell me I only have 14% of space left when I only have three short programmes recorde... [Read more]
Mend problem running windows

Display setting: problem with Display Adapters?

I have AST Ascentia M6000 running Windows 98. When blanked hard disk is loaded with Windows, hardware detectio... [Read more]
Mend thomson dti6300 top up tv

how can i fix my thomson dti6300 top up tv ?

it keeps showing your hard disk drive is not ready on tv....been like that all day !!
Mend drive working stopped

hard drive not working?

the hard drive on my advent modena m201 blue has stopped working i try and reinstall windows and it just wont ... [Read more]
Mend toshiba sat laptop

how to fix toshiba sat a135 laptop?

toshiba a135 notebook won't start: no display, lights for hard disk/dvd light up a couple of seconds. i opened... [Read more]
Mend read might wrong

My ps3 doesn't read disks what might be wrong with it and how can i fix it?

Its a playstation 3 slim. When you turn it on it is loud and clunky. Imput in a disk but it doesn't register w... [Read more]
Mend hello snapped spring

eject button atop Hard disk?

hello, this eject thing snapped , spring and stuff came out,brass colored small metal things...then when i reb... [Read more]
Mend tv hard recording

Sagem digital terrestial TV receiver/recorder with hard disk and double tun?

Playing a recording when my wife hit the pause button , the recording locked up , would not restart or close a... [Read more]
Mend hard disk drive

hard disk not present?

My thomson DT16300 does not diplay my 250gb hard drive therefoe no recordings. can the hard drive be reformate... [Read more]
Mend display wonder help

Dell D630 - Lattitude powers up but nothing on display ?

Hello I wonder if anyone can help. I have a Dell-D630 Lattitude laptop, for last couple of weeks I am st... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

Acer Aspire 7720 G ?

Are there any known faults with this model ?. I received one on its way to recycle. It started up ok at first ... [Read more]
Mend freezing day free

thompson box freezing and switching off?

my thompson box is now 'freezing' nearly every day!, i have alot of series that i record, but still have 44% f... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Virus Removal

help my laptop keeps on crashing when i run an anti virus scan?

just recently whenever i run an anti virus scan on my dell inspiron 6000 it gets to the same point and freezes... [Read more]
Mend bought laptop computer

how to install os on 380ed thinkpad?

bought the laptop at a yard sale. The computer runs fine except the hard drive has been formated. i can boot t... [Read more]
Pages 87654

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