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Mend Started Times Fan

computer is overheating and crashing?

my pc has started crashing several times a day. I've already installed a 2nd fan, yet it doesn't seem to be of help. I can be right in the middle of something important and screen...have to reboot and's some info...T6000. 64 bit amd athlon, 320gb,512 mb...ATI Radion-9600...128 duel memory...I need help or info

November 2008
Hi Marian, trying to contact you at your email address, keeps coming back as "not found" is the address marian.smith or mariansmith or marian smith ??

November 2008
Had a similar prob with PC - suspected fan on graphics card - ran machine with covers off and used mirror and torch to look at fan on graphics card - sure enough it was stalling to a standstill and shortly after the machine would stop - replacement graphics card under warranty cured problem.

Worth checking...easy to do

November 2008
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