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Mend Move Foot T

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How to mend ... Move Foot T

Pages 4321
Mend machine model press

How can I fix my Singer 431g Sewing Machine ?

I have a Singer model 431g sewing machine the problem that I am having is when I press the foot control softly... [Read more]
Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines

I have a phaff 145 H3, Main foot shaft is stuck in up position?

The main foot shaft or column is stuck in up position, doesn't go all the way down, doesn' t move when I press... [Read more]
Mend ferroli f 30 boiler

ferroli f 30 boiler?

i have a f 30 boiler and live in a bungalow. my flue is verticle and goes out through the roof.recently my nex... [Read more]
Mend new foot control

how do I get a new foot control ?

I have a Frister Rossman 504, I have lost the foot control in a move. How do I get a replacement?
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers

how to fix my hydrstatic transaxle / ariens 1999 1340 sierra?

my lawnmower tractor 1999 Ariens 1340 sierra,drives slow,and going up a little grade stops completely. I have... [Read more]
Mend stannah stair lift 420

stannah stair lift 420?

got a stannah stairlift 420 it goes realy slow when you first start it sometimes it wont move at all you have ... [Read more]
Mend renault driving turn

Renault Clio T Reg Automatic?

Hi, I have a Renault Clio T Reg Automatic (2000 i think). I was out driving it today and was about to turn whe... [Read more]
Mend Musical Instruments, Pianos

Korg EC120- no sound?

The sound came out of the speakers near the foot petals... I had to disconnect the base from the keyboard to m... [Read more]
Mend c3 citreon start

How to stop mu auto gearstick from not moving?

I today bought a C3 citreon automatic. When I start the engine and put my foot on the break (as I have been t... [Read more]
Mend automatic vauxhall corsa

Automatic Vauxhall Corsa 1.4?

When I turn the ignition on, for whatever reason it wont move unless I put my foot fully down on the accelerat... [Read more]
Mend where alpine tracker

Where can I purchase a basic CSA Alpine Tracker?

It is a very basic ski machine: the footpads move opposite each other on rails kept in synch via a strap: one... [Read more]
Mend engine pulled hp

Engine runs wide open unless brake pedal is pulled completely back. Why?

my 13.5 hp. yard machine riding mower runs wide open even if you move the throttle control to it's lowest sett... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Vans

Santana PS10 with a mind of it's own?

Iveco engine in my Santana ps10 ststion wagon start first time every time and will drive perfect most of the t... [Read more]
Mend brakes car move

how can i fix my 1985 subaru turbo xt?

It feels like the brakes are engaging while in any gear. R N D 2 1 the car will move a foot or so just fine th... [Read more]
Mend belt incline power

My Proforma J8li belt won't move. Everything else works including incline?

My Proforma J8li treadmill belt won't move. The power and incline works, but belt won't move. I have tried lub... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

Pegeot 406 clutch?

Hi!! my 406 HDI has a funny clutch. The bitting point is normal and some times you put your foot on the clutch... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

Foot brake wont disengage the tranmission lock-Auto GOLF4?

Hi. I have a 1999 V5 Auto with a problem starting to get worse over time. Usually when starting up , you have ... [Read more]
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers

statesman clutch issue?

have a 20 hp/50in cut statesman circa 2000, today without warning, the clutch/brake decided to disengage, ther... [Read more]
Mend problem gear shift

I have a problem with my gear shift?

I have a 2006 Pontiac G6. Today I went to put it in park, but the car didn't stop. I thought I didn't move it ... [Read more]
Mend needle moving move

Needle not moving on Toyota 4001 machine?

I inherited a Toyota 4001 machine. The main problem is that the needle doesn't move up & down. I haven't u... [Read more]
Pages 4321

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