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Mend Light Vectra Engine

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How to mend ... Light Vectra Engine

Pages 87654
Mend solve problem vauxhall

how can i solve this problem?

Vauxhall vectra 1.8 petrol injection. starts ok but when cold runs very poorly ,no exceloration until warm the... [Read more]
Mend 55 plate engine

vectra 55 plate?

i have a vectra 1.9 cdti sri everytime i start car i get engine management light on car will not rev above... [Read more]
Mend engine managment light

intermittent engine managment light. ?

Hi , my vectra 1.8 sxi has developed an annoying fault which occurs occasionally, when I drive my car there wi... [Read more]
Mend engine cdti plate

Engine light with spanner has illumated on my Vauxhall Vectra cdti 05 plate?

When driving you have no revs and seems sluggish. Then after driving for a while a warning light illuminates. ... [Read more]
Mend 98 engine fault

98 vectra diesel engine fault?

My 98 DT vauxhall vectra starts up fine and revs up to the max, once it has warmed up the engine management li... [Read more]
Mend engine management light

engine management light on?

engine management light was on for a couple of weeks then it sorted itself out. Have not used car for a couple... [Read more]
Mend top checked leaks

Coolant level low - top up enough or need to get it checked for leaks?

My coolant level is slightly low. The on-board computer notified me of this about 3 days ago. The warning li... [Read more]
Mend starting problems diesel

Starting problems for vectra B diesel?

I have a 2 litre Vectra TDI thats having problems with starting. Searching on the net seems unfruitful but lot... [Read more]
Mend litre engine light

vauxhall vectra 2 litre tdi diesel?

hi sarahjack + daniel booth the engine light keeps coming on and if i go 70 miles per hour the engine light co... [Read more]
Mend vauxhall starting driving

how can i fix my vectra 2.0 turbo desiel?

hi i have a vauxhall vectra desiel 2.0 the engine light comes on after a few seconds after starting then goes ... [Read more]
Mend blow power light

Oil Blow back through Oil filler? Vauxal Vectra?

Engine lacks power and service light comes on, a lot of back pressure on the Oil filler cap.
Mend warm light engine

glow plugs vauxhall vectra?

when the weather is warm the heater plugs dont light up so the engine struggles to start
Mend Vehicles, Cars

vauxall vectra lsdi ?

can any one helpme pl can you tell me were the ecu is located on vauxall vectra ls di for the engine mangamen... [Read more]
Mend vectra b y reg

how can i fix my vectra b y reg ?

hi i have a vectra 1.6 and she wont rev parst 3500 i have serviced it and changed all the sencers but it has n... [Read more]
Mend engine management light

vectra diesel engine management light coming on?

51 plate 2.2 vectra dti replaced brake pipe now engine management light staying on and very low power whats mo... [Read more]
Mend speedo rev counter petrol


We have a 98 S VECTRA 1800 ARTIC PETROL SALOON. The speedo and rev counter are not working, sometime they are ... [Read more]
Mend vectra car engine

vauxhall vectra 2l tdi?

all of a sudden as i was driving along my car went realy sluggish and the engine management light come on and ... [Read more]
Mend engine light car spanner

52plate vectra 2ltr dti?

engine electronic light comes on (displaying a car with a spanner through the middle)loosing power and smokey ... [Read more]
Mend vectra reg engine

juddering vectra 1.8 v reg?

when driving if you take your foot off the excelerator ,then put it on again it judders,also the engine light ... [Read more]
Mend 20 engine light

how can i fix my vauxhaul vectra 2.0 cdx etrol?

engine light has come on only fault is it wont rev out and hunts at 5 thou revs
Pages 87654

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