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Mend Kenwood Chef New

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How to mend ... Kenwood Chef New

Pages 54321
Mend kenwood speed controller

Which Maplin capacitors for Kenwood A901 speed controller?

My just delivered Ebay A901 Kenwood Chef just went pop and emitted smoke within seconds of turning it on for t... [Read more]
Mend kenwood chef v a703c value

Kenwood Chef A701/A702 v A703C resistor value?

What is the difference if any, between the models. I have an A703C with blown cap's and resistor, the resisto... [Read more]
Mend chef speed stopped

Kenwood Chef A901P - speed increased - stopped - smelt BAD?

Our A901P suddenly went to max speed, stopped and started to smell. On looking at the top of the motor the 47n... [Read more]
Mend whisk kenwood mixer

Need replacement balloon whisk for my Kenwood Chef Excel food mixer?

Where can I get a replacement ballon whisk for my Great Aunt's Kenwood Chef Excel food mixer? I can't find a M... [Read more]
Mend fast runs slow

Kenwood Chef speed control always on fast speed?

My old but good Kenwood Chef no longer runs at slow to fast speeds. When I switch from 0 it starts fast and st... [Read more]
Mend stand mixer model

kenwood chef stand mixer model 701 or 701a white and gray?

Is there anybody who has a kenwood chef 701 or 701a white and gray with attachements for sale. Please not to e... [Read more]
Mend kenwood chef a701

kenwood chef A701?

The liquidser works but the machine will not switch back to mixing when the top cover is replaced.
Mend kenwood chef a901

How do you change circuit board in kenwood chef A901?

Capacitor in circuit board blew, obtained and fitted new circuit board, speed control for some reason is just ... [Read more]
Mend kenwood chef smell

How do I oil my Kenwood Chef KM201, and what kind of oil should I use?

I have a 15 year old Kenwood Chef KM201 and while cooking tonight I could smell burning! I think it just needs... [Read more]
Mend motor working capacitor

kenwood chef 901 motor control?

The motor control has stopped working. On inspection there is a large capacitor, 0.047uF and anothor device th... [Read more]
Mend kenwood chef resistors

Kenwood Chef A901 Keeps Blowing Resistors?

As the title says, what could be causing this? It isn't a circuit board so that can't be replaced. The resisto... [Read more]
Mend kenwood chef a901

How do I fix my Kenwood Chef (A901)?

The motor is running erratically, which seems to be due to the governor cutting in and out. The motor brushes ... [Read more]
Mend kenwood chef a901

manual 4 a kenwood chef a901?

where can i get or read an instruction manual for a kenwood chef a901
Mend glass am not sure model

I have a glass liquidiser (Kenwood) but I am not sure what model it is?

I bought a glass liquidiser on ebay and it was supposed to fit my Kenwood Chef but it didn't. How can I find o... [Read more]
Mend kenwood chef food

Kenwood Chef Excel food Mixer ?

Where I can I get a Kenwood Chef Excel Mixer serviced in Central Scotland ?
Mend speed machine starts

Kenwood chef speed control?

Does anyone know how to fix the speed control on a Kenwood 701a? Our machine starts instantly at far too high... [Read more]
Mend 27 years old

Kenwood Chef 901 - 27 years old?

I switched on my mixer and experienced a foggy, smokey atmosphere when I was creaming some sugar with margarin... [Read more]
Mend kenwood a901 speed

Kenwood A901 Speed control?

I took charge of a Kenwood Chef A901 but the previous owner had removed the small components from the speed co... [Read more]
Mend motor start model

I need two motor start capacitors for my Kenwood Chef?

Model A703C Kenwood Chef - I need the two motor start capacitors - capacitance values were unreadable - Curren... [Read more]
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Blenders/Mixers

How can I procure a service manual for Kenwood Chef A.901?

Whilst in operation, the coupling between the Kenwood Chef A.901 drive & the Liquidiser Model A.990 overheated... [Read more]
Pages 54321

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