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Mend Swivel Recliner

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We have 32 questions about mending 'swivel recliner'

How to mend ... Swivel Recliner

Pages 21
Mend Furniture, Chairs

How can I mend Euro Chair (Swivel, Recline model?

I have a Euro Swiveling Recliner Chair that will not stay upright. I there any way to fix? Faringdon Lea... [Read more]
Mend la z boy recliner

La z boy recliner?

I have a la z boy rocker recliner swivel chair. When reclining the foot will go to the appropriate position b... [Read more]
Mend rocker recliner lazy

mechanizim for a swivel rocker lounge chair?

Where can I get a new mechanism for my lounge chair. It is both a swivel and a recliner chair. I believe it ... [Read more]
Mend swivel recliner chair

palliser swivel recliner does not swivel on plastic track?

our swivel recliner has never been able to swivel on the plastic track mounted on the underside of the chair. ... [Read more]
Mend Furniture, Chairs

Lane Swivel Recliner- Spring placement?

I have a Lane Swivel Recliner that "droops" on the control handle side. I looked underneath it and I see the h... [Read more]
Mend Furniture, Chairs

How canmake my swivel recliner stay in an more upright position .It makes ?

me lean back always.
Mend Furniture, Chairs

How to repair tilting recliner?

My swivel recliner tilts to the left severely to the left when reclined and will not return to sitting positio... [Read more]
Mend leather recliner chair

leather Palliser swivel rocker recliner chair?

when the chair is in the reclined position the footrest is in the correct position but when the legs and feet ... [Read more]
Mend people lounger chair

poo3-036 style chair,sn 51034579?

i need a replacement cable for my people lounger recliner,rocker,swivel chair?
Mend lazy boy rocker recliner

fixing a Lazy Boy rocker recliner?

how do I changed a stationary Lazy Boy rocker recliner which was changed to a swivel back to a stationary rock... [Read more]
Mend bearings coming out

How can I fix the swivel on my Lane Recliner the bearings are coming out?

How can I fix the tray on which the ball bearings are located on my Lane Recliner and how do I replace the bal... [Read more]
Mend rocker recliner swivel

rocker/recliner resbu14485ouy/serxl144850ll?

no part number. Both iron brackets which hold the rocker to the recliner are broke. There is a swivel arm on ... [Read more]
Pages 21

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