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Mend Lid Cistern Dual Flush

I need to get the lid off the cistern of my Twyford corner loo?

It has a dual flush button, but when i try and pullthe ring off, it doesn't lift and seems to be attached further down in the pan.I don't want to break it!I have taken the buttons off to see if there's any screws to undo but can't see any.It's important as we don't have any water in Cheltenham (and won't have for a week or so)and I need to fill up cistern flush the loo!!

laura pugh
July 2007
Yay! Unscrewing the chrome ring worked for me! It pulls out easily once unscrewed and the top simply slides off after that! It all goes back in just as easily. Thank you for the advice!!! :)

March 2008
Hi Laura,
I am a resident of Gloucester so understanding your situation very well, I've just worked out how to get the lid of my dual flush loo so thought I'd let you know asap.
I'm hoping you have a short flush & long flush button like me, what you need to do is push down one of the buttons & hold it, whilst holding it down have a look at the other button now that the side has been revealed, on mine it shows arrows pointing up & the words service, I then worked out that you simply pull the button upwards, once one half is out you can lift the other out as well, remove the chrome ring and underneath where the buttons were was a screw that I used a knife to turn, once this is unscrewed the top just lifts off.
I really hope that your loo is the same sort of design & this works for you, let me know how you get on.
Good Luck :-)

Deborah Ferris
July 2007
try unscrewing the chrome ring

hi-spec plumbing
July 2007
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Mend D.I.Y, Toilets
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