There are files & registry entries to delete.
MSUPD5.exe is the trojan itself. You cannot end task on it because it has created a service in the services applet in the control panel under administrative tools. The service is some strange name with no description - like ocxfgjyk. Once you stop this service, you should be able to end task on the msupd5.exe or ending the service might shut down msupd5.exe althogether. Then remove the registry entries is the final thing to get. The registry entries create the service and load the trojan.
I fixed it myself like this:
1. Try to end task on msupd5.exe - verify that you cannot.
2. Verify strange service in Services applet.
3. Search registry for msupd5.exe entries and delete them.
4. Reboot
5. Check to make sure service is no longer there.
6. Find and delete the msupd5.exe from the c: drive wherever it is found.
That was it.
February 2005