A certificate security error is NOT related to a virus.
Secure sites have security certificate used to autentificate them. Your error means one of the followings:
- You are on a forged, look alike, site that attempt to pass as a genuine secure site. Often the result of a phishing attempt.
Get the hell out of that site, it will attempt to steal your personal informations, user name and password. It can lead to severe finantial loss and identity theft.
Manualy enter the address of the site that you want to go to, or use your bookmark or favorite.
If you still get that message, that site IS fraudulent.
If you no longer have that message, you WHERE on a fraudulent copy.
- The certificate have expired. It's suspicious. DON'T conduct any cencitive operation.
Go back to that site as described in the previous part.
If you still get that message, that site is suspicious.
If you no longer have that message, you WHERE on a fraudulent copy.
- Your local copy of the certificate is corrupted. You should be able to refresh your certificates and get fresh copies.
May 2013