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How can I remove these two trojans?

I have two trojans. Downloader.Small.5N in my documents and Settings\user\local settings\temp\Dload.exe
And Downloader.Axload.C is found in windows\system32\comload.dll
I can't find any info about them anywhere. I've tried all the top
Antivirus companies but to no avail.
I've found I can't use system restore in XP pro. What are they?
And how can I get rid of them? I found them with AVG, and put them in the virus vault. However I still get pop ups saying I still have them, even after deleting them from the vault.
Any help?

Ray in Bolton
May 2004
Download "Mcafee avert stinger" (search for it on google) it should remove it for you! along with loads of known trojans and viruses.

October 2004
Thanks P@PP@N P
But I did what Simon said in answer to the question:
How do I get rid of this trojan?

This action also got rid of my two trojans!
Thanks to both of you!!
Regards, Ray.

Ray in Bolton
May 2004
As far as I'm concerned (and I do this 4 a living:) the only sure way of getting rid of thoose trojans is to install NAV200x and disable "system restore" and restart in safe mode and do a complete system scan! That would do it!
Visit for further information

May 2004
tippy, Yes I have! And I don't rate it.

Ray in Bolton
May 2004
Have you tried McAfee stinger?It has worked wonders for me!

May 2004
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