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Mend Delonghi Dehumidifiers

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Mend Delonghi 10 Replace Fan

Delonghi DEH 10 Fan/motor replacement part required?

Delonghi DEH 10 dehumidifier. I need to replace the fan assy but can't find the style that is fitted. It seems to be a complete fan assembly that does not come apart. Fan motor is part of an "X" type bracket that is screwed to the back of the tank housing in 4 places. The fan does not appear to be detachable from the motor. the motor is made by Xfan but their site doesn't recognise the part number.
All the sites that sell parts for delonghi show completely different style of motor/fan assembly.
Can anyone help.

Alan Barker
December 2022
Check the dehumidifier model number for starters. I can't find a single reference to a delonghi deh10

December 2022

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Mend Cooling, Dehumidifiers
Find out how to mend Delonghi dehumidifiers