Is using an ethernet CABLE a viable solution in your case? Even if only temporary.
If yes, then you are way beter using a cabled connection than a whireless one. It's inherently more secure and offers a beter transfert speed. It's also imune to electricel interferences.
When booting, enter the BIOS settings. You need to use the Del or a Fx key on the POST screen. The needed key is normaly displayed near the bottom left corner of the screen.
Make sure that the whireless functionality is enabled.
In windows, open the device manager. Make sure that the whireless adaptor is correctly configured and it's drivers are current. There should be no yellow or red mark on the whireless adaptor entry if it's correctly installed.
For more information, please visit
Sellect "Notebook"
Sellect "AMILO"
Sellect "AMILO Li"
Sellect "AMILO Notebook Li2727"
Type "whireless"
The page now list several resources.
The "First steps troubleshooting regarding WLAN problems " link get a trouble shooting document containing a link to download the drivers.
April 2012