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Mend Computer Internet Connection

how can I stop my computer connecting automatically to the internet?

each time when I open my pc, he automatically searchs for an internet connection.

March 2004
Hi, Russell is right.

If you are using a dial-up connection you might also like to look at this.

Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Internet Options, then the Connections tab.

I do not know exactly how to do it on your computer but you are looking for some radio buttons like these:

* Never dial a connection
* Dial whenever a network connection is not present
* Always dial my default connection

If the middle one is checked it may cause the effect you describe.

August 2004
Verstraeten, you don't say which type of internet connection you have, so this is difficult to answer.

Check your Startup Folder (Start Button > Programs > Startup) and check that there is no link there to your connection.

The most likely reason why your PC is trying to connect is that an application launches on Startup which is trying to use the internet. You could experiment and remove links from your Startup folder. You could also check for Viruses and Spyware as these could be causing this.

If none of the above works, you could look at the System Configuration Utility (Windows XP). Run this by pressing Start > Run and typing "MS Config"

Russell Hinch
March 2004
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