What is "ACL" in regestry editer/Auto Run??
I'm currently dealing with a nightmare of a virus and my only "sucessful" defence has been regestry editor. My internet connection is gone but I have autorun/regestry editor at my desposal so that I can get rid of the virus. But in the dircetions I sucsessfully saved into a notepad document it says "Now scroll down to ACL....So that the malware service cannot be written again." I've often skipped the step and more often than not I still see signs of the trojan. (eg the windows dragging, unsusessful ablities to disable autoruns from CC cleaner, and when I open certian programs I still see the recycle bin fliker, even if it has been "emptied", inablity to install programs) So yeah, if sombody knows a thing or two about "autoruns/regestry editor" I'd SRSLY appritate it.
Thankx, (btw if you're thinking about my anti-virus programs none of them work and I can't install anymore.)
Le Rainbow Wolf
February 2010