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Mend Vokera Home Heating Systems

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Mend Vokera Linea Hot Water

Vokera Linea 24 hot water temperature anybody?

Need some advice on our vokera linea24. Had a proper look in manual,but can't find all answers.We have a pretty common problem,I gues,by what I found on different forums.Fluctuating DHW temperature.Pressure is fine,don't show any errors,checked and cleaned all valves etc.Just seems to go cold now and again when hot water is in use (shower etc), no way for it to cope with two taps on at one time either...Temperature shown on display is roughly 47,but seems to be clicking off too soon instead of just lowering flame.In book it says that water temperature is around 80C, I understand that would be tempereture circulating around,before it goes back again to heat exchanger.Or is it that it circulates too much round boiler and don't feed out enough?Taps seems to have good pressure,so don't think it's that.What is an average DHW temperature that will come out of taps?What can I expect?

February 2009
did cleaning the heat exchange fix the porblem... i am having the same issue, and i am fed up with luke warms baths

March 2010
Thanks,we thought so.Just took it off now.Wondering if we can clean it by flushing with hydrochloric acid,we've got some in our garage.I think it's all copper inside,so should just take all dirt and top coat off.Shouldn't boder it,should it? I heard something about warming heat exchanger in oven so metal expands and all scale and stuff comes off.Can I do it with this one?

February 2009
There is a piece of silver color behind your pump or diverter 3 way called calorifier or secondary heat exchange. This is blocked with the debris in the system,if you can take it out and clean it by flushing it under a runing tap several times and fixit back. this will solve this problem

February 2009
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