Hi this boiler is doing my head.
I have no hot water or heating, sometimes the boiler will fire up if set low for either heating or water. I was told to change the ntc sensor which I have done but hasn't resolved the problem. Water is flowing from the condensate trap so I don't think this is choked. I was then told I need a new pcb, I have replaced the pcb but still the problem persists and boiler goes to red on the led display. Help please
There is a solid red light on. No other indicators. I have tried to get the engineer that installed the boiler in but he is being elusive.
Bruce G
February 2017
You have a choice: You have not told us if there are are any fault indications. You can either carry on blindly replacing random bits in the hope the problem will be fixed or you can get a Gas Safe certified engineer to look at it.