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Mend AEG Santo Freezers

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Mend > Freezers

Mend AEG Santo Fridge Defrosted Going

AEG Santo Electronic Fridge Freezer - Alarm?

Hi there,

I recently defrosted my freezer and since turning back on the alarm keeps going off. The temp is on -18 which is correct and the door is shut so an am unsure what the problem is..can you please help? I have searched everywhere for the manual and cannot find it....typical!


October 2008
how long has it been running?.if its more than 24hrs i would suspect a system gas issue

October 2008
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Freezers
Mend repair fix AEG Santo freezers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Freezers
Mend repair fix AEG Santo freezers