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Mend Wireless Router

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We have 109 questions about mending 'wireless router'

How to mend ... Wireless Router

Pages 54321
Mend wireless laptop work

how can i get my sons wireless laptop to work on my router?

the router is locked so that no one can use it but i dont know how to access it. all i know is that i need to... [Read more]
Mend connect windows explorer

How can I connect to windows explorer?

I have a ibm thinkpad 380z with a Dlink wireless card, the card is working and says it is connected to my home... [Read more]
Mend phone downstairs upstairs

I have one phone point downstairs can i?

i have one phone downstairs can i use extensions to set up computer with internet upstairs? have a wired conne... [Read more]
Mend wireless connection laptop

How to find my wireless connection program?

I have a Medion Laptop Model MIM2220 and to get on wireless I have to press Fn & F1. I am changing my ISP and ... [Read more]
Mend freezes works fine

webcam freezes on video talk?

when i try to do a video conversation on my advent laptop 5421 it freezes. webcam works fine when i test it. h... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Desktop PCs

How do I fix internal wireless on my Presario F730us?

My built-in wireless is not responding, can I remove it and replace or do I have to go with router?
Mend mac g router

I have an apple Mac connected to a Belkin wireless G+ Mimo router?

I now want to also connect a PC laptop. My connection and signal strength is excellent but I cannot access an... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Tablet PCs

how do I configure my HP Pocket PC to get online?

I have been given the above i PAQ H4150.UK.I have talktalk as my ISP and a Belkin 54g wireless Modem/router wi... [Read more]
Mend router connect xp

Belkin N1 Router wont connect to Windows XP Computer?

I have recently brought the Belkin N1 Wireless Modem Router. I had no troulbe at all setting it up with my Win... [Read more]
Mend router cable internet

Belkin router virgin cable?

started losing internet connection two weeks ago, goes off at least 20 times a day. usually i have to reset th... [Read more]
Mend connect laptop broadband

how do i connect laptop to broadband?

hi there i have just joined sky broadband and its great only problem is i cant get my daughters laptop to con... [Read more]
Mend laptop connect broadband

How do I get my laptop to connect to broadband?

My kids have both had a Advent KC550 laptop for christmas. On my laptop there is a switch to turn the wireless... [Read more]
Mend help 2 wireless router

help 2 fix security on my wireless router?

help me my neighbour up stair is stealin my internet conection and slowin mine down i have tryed fixin it but ... [Read more]
Mend connect belkin router

where do i connect my belkin wireless router to the modem ?

my pc was disconected recently and i have thrown away the instuctions to the router. can anyone help me
Mend connect second room

how to connect a second laptop?

i have a laptop in my living room connected with virgin it is with a modem so i am buying my daughter a laptop... [Read more]
Mend laptop wireless connection

Laptop wireless connection?

My Pc is connected to broadband (Aol) via ethernet cable O/s Windows XP I am wanting to use my daughters lapto... [Read more]
Mend laptop wireless connection

Laptop wireless connection - Belkin - network key problem?

Have just installed Sky router to PC. Am trying to connect wirelessly to this my laptop via a Belkin adaptor. ... [Read more]
Mend set up printer

How to set up printer?

How do I set up a printer (HP PSC700) to enable it to be "shared" with a Desktop, to which it is connected at ... [Read more]
Mend connect second laptop internet network

How to connect a second laptop to the internet using wireless adapter?

Hi! Please can you tell me how to connect a second laptop to the internet using a wireless adaptor? It keeps ... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs


Pages 54321

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