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Mend Will Not Shut Off

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How to mend ... Will Not Shut Off

Mend heat unit shuts down

Heat Surge unit shuts down?

Twice my Amish heater shut down. I unplugged it, waited 5 min., plugged it in and it started for about an hou... [Read more]
Mend tv off itself

My magnavox tv will turn on and off by itself?

I went to turn my tv on this morning and when I pressed the green button, it came on for 2 seconds, started bl... [Read more]
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Microwaves

Inner door trim/seal on Panasonic NN-CT857w?

The inner door trim is not correctly seated so thet the door needs some positive pressure on the top right cor... [Read more]
Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems

MY Intertherm Electric Furnace does not shut off sometimesand overheats?

What is an A-Coil Cage on a Intertherm Electric Furnace?
Mend boot lock catch

my zafira boot won't lock?

the lock on my zafira boot won't catch, so, therefor is just being held shut by gravity!!! Not the saftest! I'... [Read more]
Mend 2005 renault time

2005 renault megane dci?

i own a 2005 renault dci megane, after a short time driving the car appears to shut off for a split second mea... [Read more]
Mend renault fob door

any advice plz?

ive got a renault megan, my battery is dead, ive changed the batterys i my fob, 1 back door is shut, but other... [Read more]
Mend washing stopped flashing

washing machine?

my washer is a hotpoint it just stopped and started flashing door the door is shut properly does anyone no wha... [Read more]
Mend stops working boiler heating

greenstar 28i junior stops working?

Yesterday my boiler stop working fully , when the central heating is on the boiler will fire up but then shuts... [Read more]
Mend combi he range boiler

How can I fix my Potterton Promax Combi HE 33 Plus A Range Boiler?

Hi We have a Potterton Promax Combi HE 33 Plus A Range condensing combination boiler fitted along with a My... [Read more]
Mend door not locking

Ariston 1636S door not locking?

Hi i went to put my washing in this morning and the door wouldnt shut any ideas please.Also how do we take the... [Read more]
Mend washing machine lights press button

hotpoint washing machine WMA 30?

the lights come on the dial, you press the button for the programme to start and the door light flashes as if ... [Read more]
Mend dishwasher wont help

I have a matsui dishwasher which wont start!!! - help?!?

Hi I have a matsui MF160 dishwasher which will allow me to switch on, set the programme and get ready to start... [Read more]
Mend week turning day

How can I fix my computer tower?

Last week while I was turning my computer on, my cat jumped on the tower and checking back on my computer, it ... [Read more]
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines

how do i fix my kenmore series 80model 23812100 serial cm 4920745?

my washer will aggitate but when it comes to spinning it out it wouldn't do it in any of the different cycles ... [Read more]
Mend low pressure leaks

low pressure?

Glow-worm CXI30 loosing pressure 2bar to 0 in 8hours no obvious leaks on circuits or boiler, same with heating... [Read more]
Mend 2 boot stay

How can I make my Mazda 2 boot stay shut?

I have a 2007 Mazda 2, 5-door (newer model). When first setting off, the central locking sometimes clicks & t... [Read more]
Mend ford connect van

ford transit connect 1.9 turbo diesel 2003?

My van has developed a very strange noise today, I turned her over and it sounded as if the tappits were rattl... [Read more]
Mend Cameras, Digital Cameras

hitachi HDC 831E camara?

ERROR 2 In red box in viewer screen, lens extended and will not close, orange flashing light by eye viewer. ha... [Read more]
Mend front door wont

my front door wont shut properly?

it locks ok but wont shut properly

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