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Mend Reg Fuel Engine

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How to mend ... Reg Fuel Engine

Pages 65432
Mend starting turns fine

vaux combo reg wont start just the starting noise?

Just wont start starter moter turns fine fuel coming through to pump on right hand side of engine is a 1.... [Read more]
Mend reg changed engine

how can i bypass the immob on a citroen dispatch non turbo 2000 reg?

i recently changed the engine in my dispatch 1.9td for a peugeot expert 1.9 non turbo including allthe wiring ... [Read more]
Mend engine cutting out

how to fix the engine cutting out?

Our engine, once warm, has started to cut out unless we are applying full throttle; it then recovers in fits a... [Read more]
Mend 1998 reg diesel

Sluggish starting?

Hi, can anyone advise me on how to rectify my recently purched 1998 's' reg 2.5 diesel transit's starting diff... [Read more]
Mend where reg engine

Where is the fuel pump on a xantia estate 'P' reg 1800 petrol engine?

how do I access the fuel pump on the Xantia 1800 petrol estate 8 valve.
Mend w 20 hdi van

how can i fix my w reg 2.0 hdi partner van?

i have a w reg partner van the engine managment light is on i have had the code read and it says there is no p... [Read more]
Mend cranks wont start

cranks, fires but won't start?

P reg Rover 400 (416sli), the engine cranks over , fires revs but then just cuts out. Checked fuel, distibitor... [Read more]
Mend vw sharan changed

vw sharan won`t start?

I have a vw sharan 2l petrol s reg 98 that won`t start it is trying to but won`t. I have changed the leads... [Read more]
Mend start going injectors

engine problem?

i have a 1.2 x reg corsa have recently put new engine in it turns but it wont start their fuel going to inject... [Read more]
Mend reg renault rt

intermitant fuel leak?

i have a p reg renault luguna 2lt rt sport with volvo/renault engine 4 garages have tried to stop the leak by ... [Read more]
Mend advice reg vauxhall

T-reg Vectra engine hesitating - advice required ?

Hi, I have an issue with my T reg vauxhall vectra estate (1.8l) It has done around 100K miles and was service... [Read more]
Mend bought wrong fitted

relay engine?

t reg dispatch van i bought had wrong engine fitted managed to track down an engine 1.9 diesil from a citrion ... [Read more]
Mend car gti engine

how can i get my car to run ?

ive resently brought a r reg gti 6 shell with no engine , ive got a xsi on s plate that i wrote off the engine... [Read more]
Mend reg light switch

My S reg Vectra 2Ltr DI Diesel turbo Won't start?

My preheat light doesn't come on when I switch on the ignition but all the other lights come on and go out as ... [Read more]
Mend engine petrol valve

renault scenic engine problems?

i have a renault scenic the old type t reg 1.6 petrol 8 valve it keeps cutting ive stripped the fuel system do... [Read more]
Mend running v reg

running problems on saxo 1.1 v reg?

hi, can anyone help i own a saxo and as i accelerate through all gears on occasions the engine dips as if to s... [Read more]
Mend diesel injection pump

diesel injection pump?

Hi, I have a 2.2 sri diesel vectra, 2001 reg. I may be about to change my engine for a used replacement one an... [Read more]
Mend vauxhall van garage

i have a fuel problem?

i took my vauxhall comb diesal van reg-EJ52 WKN to a garage with starting prob,it would start with a push, the... [Read more]
Mend draining empty drain


My son's put 13litres of PETROL in his diesel mondeo (P reg), it was almost empty. I would like to drain the t... [Read more]
Mend fine renault reg

megan runs fine for miles once i stop and turn it off it is hard to start ?

hi i have a renault megan s reg it runns fine for miles but once i stop and turn it off it is hard to start ag... [Read more]
Pages 65432

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