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Mend Radio Car Bought

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Mend code help bought car

Ford Focus Radio Code - I can't get radio out!?

Hi - If anyone can help me with a radio code for my Yreg ford focus I would be eternally grateful. I bought th... [Read more]
Mend list list radio

How can i replace an renault tuner list with a Update list radio?

OK ive asked this question on alot of site but now i have to post it here because no-one seems to be able to h... [Read more]
Mend 6000cd car radio

Help! I need the keycode for my Ford 6000CD car radio!?

Hello! Can anyone tell me the keycode for my 6000 CD Ford car radio? Serial number M744067. The seller did... [Read more]
Mend clarion radio code

clarion radio code?

hi, does anyone know the code for a clarion radio,model CL0401,s/n0547854.I bought the radio at a car boot s... [Read more]
Mend ford 6000 tuner

Ford Ka 6000 cd tuner RHD code plz???

Hiya!!!! Can anyone plz help me find the code for my radio - serial number reads M021540...no code was given ... [Read more]
Mend off lost code

How can i get my cdr 2005 off the safe mode when I've lost the code?

I don't recall having the code to my radio (CDR 2005 VDO) when I bought my car at auction and now I've had som... [Read more]
Mend ford eon audio

Unlock Ford RDS EON 4500 Audio?

i have bought a new car and the radio was refitted to the car prior to me buying it and when i turn it on it s... [Read more]
Mend ford radio rds code

Ford Ka Radio RDS 6000 code?

Hi! Can you please give me the code for my car radio - serial number M008619 (the battery was disconnected ... [Read more]
Mend battery bought second


I had a new battery fitted and ever since the radio does not work and is requesting a code. I have tried sever... [Read more]
Mend 6000 cd car

Where can i download a manual for my Ford 6000 CD raido ?

Does anyone know of any sites where i can download a manual for a Ford 6000 Cd radio. Just bought the car with... [Read more]
Mend code car 2000

How can i get the code no. of my car Daewoo 2000 ?

I bought the car (Daewoo 2000 )with some one but he don't have the catalog book of the car there is the prob o... [Read more]
Mend rds 5000 eon code

RDS 5000 EON code?

My car has been stood for 8 months thus causing a flat battery, ive charged it up and noticed its reset my rad... [Read more]
Mend code bought reg astra

grudig car radio/tape 200 code for vauxhall?

Bought P reg Vauxhall Astra with R100/car200 Grundig in car cassette/radio. Display shows "SAFE" only and will... [Read more]
Mend help radio bought

anyone help Radio code vauxhall grudig car 200?

hi i have jus bought a vauxhall corsa at the auction but the code for the radio is not in the car and its ask... [Read more]
Mend renault megane 97

How can i find the code for a phillips car radio for a renault megane?

I bought a car and i do not have a code for it. It is a 97 renault megane and the make of the radio is a phill... [Read more]
Mend bought cd radio

mp3 player connection?

I have recently bought an mp3 player and would like to play it on my Tevion cd radio mp3 player in my car bu... [Read more]
Mend cd changer working

renault espace cd changer/ radio?

i have just bought a renault grand espace w reg the radio was working fine but the car had no cd multi cha... [Read more]
Mend code radio battery work

How can I check the securiy code for my radio?

I had a new battery fitted and ever since the radio does not work and is requesting a code. I have tried sever... [Read more]
Mend 3000 car code radio help

Ford fd 3000 t keycode please?

Hi just bought a car but no code for the radio, can you help?? Fd3000 t serial # M129911 Many thanks... [Read more]
Mend radio code blaupunkt

Vauxhall Astra Radio timeout code?

I have recently bought a vauxhall astra R reg,fited with a Blaupunkt radio model car 300.I have the code for t... [Read more]
Pages 65432

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