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Mend Laptop

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We have 2707 questions about mending 'laptop'

How to mend ... Laptop

Mend Computers, Desktop PCs


I have lost the sound on my laptop. I did remove some unwanted folders, and remembered seeing the warning that... [Read more]
Mend laptop inspiron windows

laptop no longer burns cd's?

my dell inspiron will no longer burn cd's. it still reads cd's but when i try to burn it comes up as windows h... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

how can i fix my laptop?

I want to increase the memory on my laptop from 2 up to 4gb (system info says it will take up to 8gb. Will ... [Read more]
Mend says dvd cd

my laptop says there is no dvd cd ?

my laptop says it has not got a cd dvd but it has
Mend screen toshiba laptop

screen problem on toshiba laptop?

after pressing my account icon the screen goes blank
Mend unlock micro sd card

How do I unlock my Samsung Micro SD card? ?

I put the memory card in my laptop to download my pictures and it automatically did something when I put it in... [Read more]
Mend work time play

laptop,ibm think pad?

I can't get the laptop, to work with internet . The only time it worked, when I first got it ( I got it for MO... [Read more]
Mend toshiba satellite laptop

toshiba satellite laptop?

hi i have a toshiba satellite a100-332 model number psaa8e-1ymo49en my son put the wrong reboot disc in and no... [Read more]
Mend msn hello help send

why my MSN is freezing as soon as i sent a message?

Hello Everyone. I need your help please. I have the same problem as well. Why does my MSN Messenger freez... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

Laptop water spilt over it how to repair it?

how do you fix a laptop which as had water spilt on it it is a median 520
Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines

aurora 440 qe thread problem?

My v5 software ECon PC keeps saying that one of the threads in broke but it isn't. The software is telling me ... [Read more]
Mend laptop battery 1525

how can I fix my laptop?

After buying a new battery and charger for my dell inspiron 1525, the laptop does not even come on.
Mend laptop working problem

How do I fix my ADVENT webcam?

I have a ADVENT laptop, and lately my in-built webcam is not working. How do I fix this problem ?
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

Compaq 17 in Screen Laptop -How do I remove marks on fascia?

Hi Sorry to bother you, but I wondered whether you could give me any advice about removing marks from lapto... [Read more]
Mend Audio, MP3 Players

My MP3 player Shows Unknown Format?

WHen I put the Payer into the USB,it is happy to let me play and synch it. Take it of the Laptop(PC).it shows... [Read more]
Mend laptop blue screen

how can I fix my laptop?

when opening my laptop I get a bright blue screen with white letters warning of system problems
Mend Video, DTT Receivers

Sharp TU-TV252H Freeview recorder?

I bought one of these on ebay and works bus doesnt record, guess why no hard drive inside! anyone know what ty... [Read more]
Mend laptop screen left

laptop turns on with it only to say operaiting system not found so in troub?

when i turn on my laptop it says on the screen operating system not found so i now left on that
Mend install laptop program

inspiron 6400?

when i install updates,my laptop restarts,i log in but all i get is the program loading.i have to start it in ... [Read more]
Mend laptop wont work

I used my laptop through satallite connection now it won't work!!?

Hi Im having trouble with my laptop, i recently lived in bulgaria for 6 months and to get internet I connecte... [Read more]

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