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Mend Ignition Key Work

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We have 199 questions about mending 'ignition key work'

How to mend ... Ignition Key Work

Pages 87654
Mend replace key work

how can i replace the ignition barrel on my car i?

i have a renault clio 95 and i wish to replace the ignition barrel because the key wont work
Mend car works work

how to recode car key?

I have a vauxhall zafira whose key works erratically , occasionally it will work the central locking but for ... [Read more]
Mend ideas megane petrol

any ideas on an electrical fault on 1997 ( R reg ) 1.6 scenic?

hi i have a megane scenic 1.6 petrol on a 1997 R reg that wont open the doors by the key , when i turn the ign... [Read more]
Mend working checked replaced

central locking not working - 2000 astra 5dr?

Checked the fuse and found it had blown, replaced it with a new one but then found all the lights on the dash ... [Read more]
Mend key fob only works

On my Astra 53 plate, the key fob only works now and then?

Astra 53 plate key fob doesn't work properly, don't want to pay main dealer prices as they may sting me for re... [Read more]
Mend xsara picasso hdi

ignition barrel gets hot?

hi i have a x reg citroen Xsara Picasso 2.0 hdi manual and when i got to work i took the key out and it was ve... [Read more]
Mend engine restarts help

diesel engine suddenly stops. always instantly restarts?

Can anyone help? My diesel car motor stops unexpectedly. Mechanics don't know why. My diesel engine power... [Read more]
Mend alarm model fitted

How can I reset my cobra alarm model 7777 delta electronica ?

After a new battery was fitted into my diahatsu terrios my cobra My cobra alarm Model 7777 delta electronica w... [Read more]
Mend start key fobs

how can i get my 1999 chrysler neon to start, 2x dead key fobs?

both key fobs on my 1999 2.0l auto neon have died, niether are transmitting despite fitting new batteries. I c... [Read more]
Mend tail lights switch

How can I fix my 1999 Honda Civic EX?

Tail lights remain on when switch is off and key is removed from ignition. At the same time that this was noti... [Read more]
Mend peugeot 206 wont start

peugeot 206 wont start?

my 2003 206 wont start car seems to turn over ok but car will just not start. on the display it reads eco mode... [Read more]
Mend key ignition broken

98 corsa ?

i broke my key in ignition have replaced barrel and ignition switch i have held broken key next to none chi... [Read more]
Mend central locking problem

Central Locking Problem corsa c design 04?

My car works in the ignition it turns the car on and off but the key open and close buttons dont work so i hav... [Read more]
Mend locking rover 25

remote central locking for rover 25?

my rover 25 il 2003 remote cenral locking won't work i had to open the door with the key then the ignition won... [Read more]
Mend key turn work battery

ignition key stuck in 814 mercedes?

my ignition key is stuck in the ignition and wont turn either way, no electrics will work but the battery and ... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

How do I get my Opel Monza running again?

Were baffled! Last year it conked out on me on the motorway after a car show. It started again eventually but ... [Read more]
Mend starting imobiliser key

my 97 c180 is not starting?

i beleive theres a fult with the imobiliser , when i turn the plastic key in the ignition, the ignition lights... [Read more]
Mend starting battery good

my 97 c180 is not starting ?

my 97 c180 is not starting .the plastic key turns the steering lock battery good and can get the starter to wo... [Read more]
Mend changed barrel start

Have lost the key to speedfight 100cc, . . . . ?

Have lost the key to my speedfight 100cc '03, have changed ignition barrel but still won't start. No spark. Do... [Read more]
Mend ghia light auto

How can I fix my 1997 Fiesta Ghia remote key/dash light?

Hi I have a 1997 fiesta 1.2 ghia zetec auto. I cannot get the remote key to work. I have tried to programme th... [Read more]
Pages 87654

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