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Mend Engine Changed Key

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How to mend ... Engine Changed Key

Pages 65432
Mend engine changed key

my alarm wont turn off, but engine starts?

i have changed the baterries in my key fob (mercedes Aclass, Xreg) and the central locking still wont work. i ... [Read more]
Mend ford fuel pump problem

how can i fix my 1998 ford fiesta fuel pump problem?

my 1998 ford fiesta would not start, I can turn the engine over but it would not fire up, I had the r-a-c- com... [Read more]
Mend plate start changed

52 plate Mondeo, yellow Engine warning light is on & engine will not start?

have changed battery in key, still no joy
Mend fuses key turned

B2920 won't start?

Changed starter and checked fuses on my 2009 B2920. Still won't start. When key is turned on lights on dash c... [Read more]
Mend changed control sensor

clio 1.2 y reg?

changed temp control sensor near the throttle body cleaned throtle body also put new plugs and coil stil stall... [Read more]
Mend find fault ford

how can i find this fault ford fiesta eco climate 55 plate ?

i have a fiesta and every now and then the engine would turn over then stop for a brief sec then continue to s... [Read more]
Mend white smoke vectra

White smoke and full maximum rpm on vauxhall vectra?

hi I was driving back from holiday and my vectra 2.2 dti dieseil decided it was going to rev itself as hard ... [Read more]
Mend 10 briggs fine

How can i fix my countax c600h?

Yesterday i was using my 10+ yr old countax c600h Briggs and stratton 16hp engine and all was fine. Just befo... [Read more]
Mend key light flashing dash

key light flashing on dash?

cleaned the engine of my 51 reg 1.1 saxo after that the car wouldnt start, got told that there was water in my... [Read more]
Mend ford focus ghia

ford focus ghia 1.8 2006?

Last night my car would not open with fob. Opened car with key got out what i needed then locked it with fob. ... [Read more]
Mend renault van gear

What replacement engine can I use for Renault Kangoo 1400 petrol van?

What replacement engine and gear box can I use in a renault kangoo 1400 petrol van that will just bolt in. Wi... [Read more]
Mend new starter engine

How can I get the new starter to engage the engine?

On a MTD 12HP Model 281707 type 0137-01, I have replace the starter, battery and relay. I have not changed th... [Read more]
Mend fiat punto 1998

Need to fix my partners Fiat Punto 1.6 sporting 1998?

Whilst being driven the car cut out and has'nt fired up since?????? Have changed what seemed to be a knackered... [Read more]
Mend peugeot petrol fault

Peugeot 307s Petrol - AntiPollution Fault Plus?

Peugeot 307s Petrol Automatic 53000 on clock Just changed the remote battery in key fob - nothing else - we... [Read more]
Mend 2001 not start

2001 Nissan Almera 1.5 Petrol will not start?

My Nissan Almera 1.5 Petrol hatch will not start following a fuel pump change (previously identified by diagno... [Read more]
Mend key fob working

My key fob not working on my car?

I have a renault clio 1.9dti diesel year 2ooo. I've changed the battery in my fob, the light comes on but the ... [Read more]
Mend start turned turn

My Ford S-Max won't start?

I've got a five year old ford s-max. I had just driven back home and turned the engine off momentarily. When I... [Read more]
Mend peugeot hdi work

whats wrong with my peugeot 807 HDi 2003 seven seater?

at first the key fob wouldn't work, had to keep resetting it. Then it stopped working completely, changed the ... [Read more]
Mend ford car works

How can I fix my Ford Galaxy key fob?

I was given two sets of keys when I bought the car and one set works fine but although the other can open the ... [Read more]
Mend allow car unlock key fob

immobiliser won't allow me to open car when I click 'unlock' on fobr?

Hi I can't get my car key fob to unlock car - it just makes a high pitched bleep. So I open the door manually ... [Read more]
Pages 65432

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