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Mend Door Light Not Door

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We have 966 questions about mending 'door light not door'

How to mend ... Door Light Not Door

Mend door light action

indiset wia111?

door lock light flashing but no lock action only low voltage on lock not apperantly switching
Mend completed cycle machine

How can I fix my proline dishwasher?

My proline dishwasher beeped as if it had completed its cycle but it has not completely emptied and although p... [Read more]
Mend fridge food cold

Diplomat APM 6724 Integrated fridge not cooling ?

My Diplomat APM 6724 integrated fridge is not keeping food cold milk goes off quickly. Have tried turning the... [Read more]
Mend alarm light side

how can i fix my defy f640 refrigerator?

my defy f640 double door refrigerator alarm light went on and the freezer side is not working the compressor i... [Read more]
Mend washing machine light

Beko washing machine 5120?

door will not open light stuck on spin/end
Mend light flashing machine work

creda excel 1200 door light flashing & machine will not work?

creda excel 1200 door light flashing & machine will not work?
Mend cycle indicator light

Defy automaid door does not unlock?

The door on my Defy Automaid 28665 is not unlocking. The cycle completes normally, but the indicator light do... [Read more]
Mend keypad alarm power cut

how can I fix my accenta 6 keypad to activate my alarm?

I had a major power cut on Christmas Eve which has knocked out my alarm keypad.All three PIR's are still worki... [Read more]
Mend vauxhall zafira removed

my vauxhall zafira is not recognising keys have been removed?

I have a 2006 Vauxhall zafira, I can no longer lock my car because after parking I turned the engine off and r... [Read more]
Mend light garage sensor

why is my dash over heat light on deem renault 5?

garage fitted new coolant sensor on water pump when its up to temp light comes on dim but the car is not over... [Read more]
Mend double top oven element

How do i fix my Smeg double overn?

I have a smeg double over D081css-5, I recently changed the top oven element, the botthom oven still worked, i... [Read more]
Mend start light door

Not starting?

I cannot get my servis m6504 washing machine to start the start light flashes constantly. A new door switch ha... [Read more]
Mend machine light flashes

How can I fix my washing machine?

My WF340 1400spin washing machine door won't unlock. And now the on/off light flashes rapidly and also the mi... [Read more]
Mend hoover not working

hoover hnl7166 not working?

power light on replaced door switch still no action from washer.#what should i check next
Mend hoover machine program

Hoover 1600 whisper AAA Washing machine?

Cannot program to start operation? There is power to the machine because the door light is on but the control... [Read more]
Mend baumatic cooker oven

baumatic cooker oven not staying on?

I light my oven by opening door turning and pushing in oven knob. I press the electric button to ignite gas. i... [Read more]
Mend door locked flashing

Aquaries wma 50?

Hotpoint Aquarius wma50 door locked light keeps flashing won't start cycle. Door not locking
Mend light n combination

Light on Neff H7881 N GB combination oven?

The light does not work and the instruction book does not mention how to replace the bulb or how the light wor... [Read more]
Mend dryer door problem

Bosch Classixx 7 Tumble Dryer Door Light Problem?

Hi all, I have a problem with the above appliance. Just completed a drying cycle earlier and now the door l... [Read more]
Mend automaid washing machine

Defy DA 505 Automaid not starting cycles?

Hi there, I have a Defy DA505 Automaid washing machine that wont start its cycles, basically the machine, if l... [Read more]

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