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Mend Candy Washing Machines

Household Appliances, Washing Machines find out how to mend just about anything.

Mend Candy

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We have 419 questions about mending 'candy' in category Household Appliances, Washing Machines

How to mend ... Candy

Mend stuck drum spin

battery stuck inbetween drum and washing candy grand?

battery is stuck inbetween my drum and washing tub not allowing the drum to spin properly
Mend washing machine drum

how can i fix my washing machine[ CANDY,Aqua1000]?

The stainless steel drum in side the machine is loose and knocks very load when spining clothes out.
Mend making washer dryer

What is making the banging noise in my Candy CMD146 washer dryer?

When washing the machine starts making a banging noise and actually shaking to the extend it moves forward. Se... [Read more]
Mend wash machine switch

how can I fix my candy C514 wash machine?

Hi my Candy C514 will only switch of if I manually turn it off, turnit back on and it continious to drain, any... [Read more]
Mend candy washing machine spin

how can I fix my candy 200 washing machine?

It will not spin on any programe
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines

candy cm1 146-80?

MY washer fills, takes on soap, washes forwards& backwards & after about 25mins has stopped & the stain wash &... [Read more]
Mend washing work top candy o

how to get off the washing machine "work top". It is a Candy Grad O Evo 8Kg?

how to get off the washing machine "work top". It is too tall to fit under my sink table, and taking off the "... [Read more]
Mend will work one

candy c514 will only work on one program?

My candy c 514 washing machine will only work on a 90 degree wash.On all the other cycles the drain pump comes... [Read more]
Mend aquaviva machine water

how can i fix my candy aquaviva 1300washing machine?

i've checked the impeller spins to extract the water, checked the filters and cleaned the hoses and it's still... [Read more]
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines

candy turns and stops?

Hi i have a candy cm1-166 it turns and then stops
Mend washing turned pump

candy top load washing machine ?

when it is turned on the pump runs then stops after 30seconds then starts again and wil contonue like this do... [Read more]
Mend filter washer dryer

Cannot locate filter or manual for Candy Alise CE 10 Washer Dryer?

Hi, My washing machine keeps getting stuck when it reaches the spin cycle and does not spin. The clothes a... [Read more]
Mend brushes candy washing machine

brushes for a candy washing machine?

candy activia smart trying tofind local suppliers in the uxbbridge area
Mend water wash program

candy washer/dryer?

switches on fills with water starts to wash for 3 mins then stops whatever program it's on.
Mend trips electric ideas

candy aquaviva 130?

every time i try to use my machine it trips the electric any ideas please
Mend drain hose filter

how can i fix my candy aquaviva 1300?

my machine wont drain and i have checked hose and filter what else can i try ?
Mend filter months water

Filter not sealing?

I've had my Candy O for 5 months and today I checked the filter, it was clear, but when I replaced it it won't... [Read more]
Mend wrong machine model

what is wrong with candy G0482?

My Candy washing machine model GO482 has broken. When I start a cycle it fills with water then just stops at ... [Read more]
Mend washing machine candy

narrower washing machine?

Does anyone know where to purchase a slimmer washing machine, I know Candy used to do one but haven't seen one... [Read more]
Mend candy door seal

candy grand o replace the door seal?

how do I replace door seal on a candy grand o

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