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Mend Stannah Stairlifts

Household Appliances, Stairlifts find out how to mend just about anything.

Mend Stannah

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We have 213 questions about mending 'stannah' in category Household Appliances, Stairlifts

How to mend ... Stannah

Pages 1110987
Mend stannah 420 stairlift

How can I replace the gearbox/motor on a stannah 420 straight stairlift?

I've just got a replacement gearbox/motor for my grandads stannah 420 stairlift, how easy is it to replace it ... [Read more]
Mend open repair switch

How do I open cover on right arm of a Stannah 420?

How do I open cover on right arm of Stannah 420 so I can repair toggle switch?
Mend stannah 420 stairlift help

Stannah 420 stairlift?

Can anyone help please I took the chair off my stairlift and now cannot put it back on any ideas please
Mend working fault replaced

stannah 600 ?

HI, 600 STOPPED WORKING SUDDENLY, FAULT CODE 9/6/2 (pcb fault) replaced this but still showing same fault. It ... [Read more]
Mend stops starts lift

Stannah 260 stops at the bend before it starts incline ?

The lift will travel ok along straight but stops just before the point where it starts the incline, batteri... [Read more]
Mend working work fine

Stannah 400 Remote not working?

I have replaced the batteries on the remote, but although the lights now work, the remote does not work. The o... [Read more]
Mend noise making help

Knocking noise on stairlift?

Hi, my stannah stair lift is making a knocking noise on the way down but not on the way up, any one help with ... [Read more]
Mend Household Appliances, Stairlifts

Stannah 260 Siena overshooting charger contacts?

My Stannah 260 Siena curved track power chair overshoots the battery charging contacts at the top of the stair... [Read more]
Mend 400 stair lift

wireing diagram for a Stannah 400 stair lift?

my stair lift will go up & down if you are on it & can be sent or called down by the wall switches but not sen... [Read more]
Mend stannah stairlift 300

stannah stairlift 300 ?

hi can anybody tell me where the red and black charging wire go on the main trailing wire on the chair . the... [Read more]
Mend remote control problem

Stannah 420 Remote Control Problem?

I just installed a used Stannah 420 stairlift. It works fine except the remote control buttons work backwards... [Read more]
Mend Household Appliances, Stairlifts

Oiling a stannah stair lift 250?

I have a stannah 250 stair lift which had not been used in a long time. The chain does not have a cover over... [Read more]
Mend stannah stair lift 260

Stannah stair lift 260?

Please my stannah stair lift 260 keeps stopping stops for around 2days and then works again for around 2days b... [Read more]
Mend stannah stairlift 260

stannah stairlift 260?

i was coming down the stairs on the lift and something got jammed under it so i removed it but know the chair ... [Read more]
Mend remote control works

stannah remote control 420?

what model # remote works with the STANNAH 420 stairlift
Mend 420 stannah its model

How do I remove a 420 stannah from its track (2009 model)?

I have driven the chair to the top of the track ( straight). I've removed the plastic end cap and limiters an... [Read more]
Mend Household Appliances, Stairlifts

Stannah 260 won't go?

Stannah 260 Saxonisarum Carriage U26012267051. Installed 8/12. have replaced batteries 3x, including yesterday... [Read more]
Mend seat chair allow

removing seat assembly?

h How to remove and replace chair assembly on stannah 420 to allow access of new furniture pass
Mend pcb board fuse

pcb board fuse ?

Stannah 420 stairlift. The fuse on the PCB board keeps blowing have put new batteries in had a spare PCB boa... [Read more]
Mend stairlift lift works

Replace joystick on Stannah Stairlift?

The joystick on our Stannah stair lift requires replacing as it only intermittently works. The difficulty hav... [Read more]
Pages 1110987

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