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Mend Baths and Showers

Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers find out how to mend just about anything.

Mend Hot Water Shower

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We have 380 questions about mending 'hot water shower' in category Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers which have been answered

How to mend ... Hot Water Shower

Mend water flows hot

How can I mend it?

I have a redring expression shower model 53-673001 , water flows out ok but no hot water , how can this be rep... [Read more]
Mend shower noise hot

Shower Fault?

Triton T100xr shower makes a noise and delivers steam after being switched off at shower. quite dangerous as ... [Read more]
Mend shower aqualisa hot

Aqualise shower?

Hi I have a grey gravity fed Aqualisa processor the shower works fine but no hot water. the other shower we h... [Read more]
Mend head hand water

Temperature ?

My shower head leaks, at the same time the right hand side hot/cold nob only gets the water like warm. Even wh... [Read more]
Mend se hot problems

Gainsborough 8.5 se hot/ cold water problems ?

My shower only seems to be running scolding hot at a trickle then will be cold with a bit more pressure, recen... [Read more]
Mend model problem switched

Regarding red ring model 5005 expression ?

Have a problem with the shower heating the water after it's been switched on , I'm getting a little heat with ... [Read more]
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers

Same as Adkhan,?

Same as Adkhan mines 3week old Triton Tesla 2 bar valve (A) Right side temp control cold side. (B) Left s... [Read more]
Mend heating water red

My redring shower is not heating up?

My redring shower is t heating up. I have power and hot water in the rest of the house. The red power light is... [Read more]
Mend shower power light hot

my creda aqua 9.5e shower is not working red power light not coming on?

My creda aqua 9.5e is not working no hot water the red power light is not coming on why
Mend pressure shower turn

low pressure on redring expressions 550s?

Hi, I have a Redring Expressions 550s shower. As soon as I turn the knob towards the red/hot water the pressu... [Read more]
Mend triton opal shower

how can i fix my triton opal 9.5kw shower?

Hi!! My triton opal 9.5 shower no longer produces hot water, it did work for a while intermittently so wonderi... [Read more]
Mend unit switched shower

No water following through the unit when switched on at the shower?

I have a digital quartz exposed shower QZ.A2.EV.05 shower, the problem initially was the temperature of the wa... [Read more]
Mend switch repair number

Gainsborough 9.5 on/off switch repair?

Hi - my Gainsborough 9.5se (or 8.5sdl, serial number implies 9.5, badge says 8.5 - may have had engine replace... [Read more]
Mend shower water light

Wickes Aquatronic 4 plus electric shower?

Since we have had a Water meter fitted my low pressure light stays on and the blue cold light stays on. The hi... [Read more]
Mend water runs cold year

No hot water from my shower...only runs cold?

5 year old Aqualisa quartz electric 10.5 shower Any positive advice welcome as what has to be replaced. And i... [Read more]
Mend water comming out

My Mira 9.5 shower has plenty cold water but no hot water comming out of it?

It is not heating the water
Mend works hot water

how can i fix my shower?

dolphin shower works but there is no hot water is it worth mending or geting a new one it is over 30 yrs old
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers

xpressions 500s?

Hi please can someone tell me how to fix my redring shower as it's gone from working normally with decent pres... [Read more]
Mend started hot water

How can I fix my Gainsborough 9.5 se shower?

My Gainsborough 9.5 se shower has just started to merely 'dribble' out steaming hot water, regardless of where... [Read more]
Mend runs water running

How can I fix it?

My Heat Store Aqua plus shower runs cold water on the hot setting. It does not heat the water no more? When it... [Read more]

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