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Mend Creda Convector Heaters

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Mend > Convector Heaters

Mend Creda Storage Model

How do i use my two dials on a creda storage heater model 79151?

I have a storage heater which is creda automatic storage heater model 79151. How do you use the 2 dials on the top right of the heater. At the minute i have them set on 6 - 1 but i dont know weather this is correct.

October 2007
If I want the heat to last into the evening, I always set my left hand knob (room temperature) to 1. Otherwise, if you set it higher, it loses the heat during the daytime. The right hand knob would depend on the weather. I start with 1 in October and slowly increase it to 6 in Jan, but it is worth watching the weather forecast so that you can adjust it a day ahead.

June 2009
To refine the previous answer, I set the right-hand (thermostat) so that at night it just clicks 'on' ensuring that you get some input. This varies according to season.
The left-hand (output) control I leave at minimum, unless it starts getting a bit chilly in the eve, when it might need turning up.

November 2007
Right hand dial controls the input - ie. how much heat the unit stores overnight. Set it according to how high you like the room temperature and how big the room is

Left hand dial controls output - set it to obtain your desired room temperature during the day.

November 2007
Mend Heating, Convector Heaters
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Mend Heating, Convector Heaters
Free repair help for Creda convector heaters