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Mend Vokera Home Heating Systems

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Mend > Home Heating Systems

Mend Vokera Excell 80sp

How do I use Vokera Excell 80SP?!!?

just moved into a flat and no idea what the symbols are or how to set it I leave the left handmost of the three knobs on "O" or should it be on the other 2 symbols (and what do they mean, one I guess is heating, and the other is h/water - but not sure which).
This is all way over my head - not had to deal with these boilers - need an address for a how-to-use booklet!

Dave Harris
July 2007
Easy Peasy

go to vokera
click on installer
click on discontinued products
click on user manual

Sorted in minutes

chris murphy
July 2007
0 (zero) means off. Sun symbol is for summer (ie no heating required, just hot water). Squiggle is a radiator symbol for winter (ie heating & hot water).

July 2007
Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
Find out how to mend Vokera home heating systems

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Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
Find out how to mend Vokera home heating systems