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cand my hard drives b fixed? pleassee help?

1stly my laptop hard drive. few days ago pc crashed then wouldnt log on to windows, kept comming up with ctrl alt del on the doz screen next time it said windows is missing a dll file or some thing. the i go to repair the hard drive was making crunching noises and that nothing would work, i put hard drive in fridge then it reconised it in laptop again. i then bough a external hard drive case usb thing to use in desktop pc the hard drive spins up and crunshes still but isnt reconised, so can this be saved? please say yess i have photos and work onit

2nd hard drive 3.5 inc 1 i messed a partioton up years ago then then went too hard drive out or some thing thoguth power was out put hard drive back but cbales half wrong way and it short cercited it, any chance on this? lol stupid i know but any way pleasee cans ome 1 help many thanks
Andy :)

Andy E
April 2007
I like your thinking on Fridges :) I have retrieved data this way before, but you need to put it in the freezer for an hour and then plug it stright into the PC for retrieval. It may not work as your drive sounds fooked, but there is no harm in trying. Have you thought of an Ice pack sandwich to keep the drive cool?

April 2007
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