Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

Mend Lawn Mowers

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Mend > Lawn Mowers

Mend Mower Wont Start

mower wont start?

briggs+straton 12 horse got plenty of spark i put a little gas in the carb.still wont start what do i do next? not sure if it has alot of compression.but if not should it still start?

December 2004
Put your thum over the spark plug hole and pull the engin over you will feel the compresion. with the spark plug in put your hand over the exust you should feel air blowen out when the engine is turned over this will tell you that your valves are working more or less corectly. Then the only thing left is your spark timing. I do not know exactly how it is set up on this motor but have a look and see if there is any sign of the flywheel faving slipped this will cause you to have good spark but not at the right time.

December 2004
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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